
Monday, February 2, 2015

I'm back! But not here.

Hello my old blogging friends! I have missed you.

Since I've been gone, I've been busy starting my own graphic design company and doing a lot of writing (for work and for fun). I've also become the managing editor for an online magazine called Area of Effect, published by Geekdom House, and Geekdom House's blog (on the main page of the website) is now where you can find me along with some other writers.

Geekdom House is a nonprofit company I've been involved with starting, and its goal is to encourage deep discussions about the shows, games, books, and comics that we love (and to have some fun along the way too).

I think some of you might really enjoy reading these articles, so please do check it out! I hope to do some blog visiting with all of you again soon.
