
Friday, December 2, 2011

What's On My To-Read Pile?

I have ten books on my to-read pile at the moment. What are they and why do I want to read them? Well, here's the rundown, in no particular order:

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Why do I want to read this book? Because it's the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, of course! A classic, sci-fi must read. I got five books of the trilogy for my birthday, so they are just sitting on my shelf waiting for me to discover what happened to all the ballpoint pens, where we are born, why we die, and why we spend so much time wearing digital watches.

2. Legend by Marie Lu

This book just came out a month ago, and it's already got some rave reviews. I realize the market is becoming saturated with dystopian novels, but there is a reason for it, cause some of them are just really good. (And if you haven't read the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins or Divergent by Veronica Roth, go and do it NOW.) What I like about dystopian novels is the combination of action, mystery, suspense and romance, and this book promises all that.

3. Grimspace by Ann Aguirre

A heroine whose talent is jumping ships across the universe, you say? A horrible crash-landing? A prison break and a rogue operation set against the galactic government? Yes, please.

4. The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson

I've heard the world-building in this book is incredibly good, rich, and well-imagined. The main character, a princess who marries a king at 16, transforms from an uncertain girl (also an unlikely heroine who likes to stay home and eat pastries) to a confident woman. I like a heroine with obvious flaws. Not that liking pastries is a flaw, mind you.

5. The Neverending Story by Michael Ende

I loved this movie as a child, and I would like to read the book that inspired it. It's about a boy who's taken into the book he's reading (and who hasn't wished that could happen?). The movie is imaginative, with fun creatures like luck dragons and talking turtles as well as an inspiring adventure, and I've been told the book is even more so.

6. Fox and Phoenix by Beth Bernobich

A YA that is not based in America? Bring it! This story is apparently inspired by a Chinese myth, and with the Asian sounding names Kai and Yun, that sounds about right. Blending magic and technology, the story tells of Kai and Yun's adventure in helping a princess travel across the country. And there are "ghost dragons." How can I resist ghost dragons?

7. The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

I read the first book in this series, The Maze Runner, and really enjoyed it. I loved how the author didn't explain what was going on, and you just had to keep reading and reading to have your questions answered. I also liked how this book was obviously directed at boys (though girls will enjoy it too), as a lot of dystopian fiction focuses on a female protagonist.

8. Partials by Dan Wells

I'm a sucker for science fiction where the human race is at stake. And the classic robots-that-look-like-humans are always a good time. This book looks interesting, where the main character is a medic rather than some kick-ass heroine (not that I have anything against those, either). And mandatory pregnancy laws? Plot twists, here I come.

9. The Rook by Daniel O'Malley

"The body you are wearing used to be mine." Okay, that got me. Myfanwy Thomas must discover who she is and follow instructions from her former self. Secret organizations, supernatural forces, a deadly special ability... I'm hooked.

10. Cold Magic by Kate Elliott

This book was up against Song of Scarabaeus by Sara Creasy in some online voting tournament, and Song is a book I really enjoyed. Cold Magic won though, so I really ought to read it. I love a good mixture of science, magic, and epic fantasy, so it's a good bet I'll enjoy it. And okay, the cover is really attractive! Not that I picked it up for its cover. Nope, I would never do such a thing.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just added Fox and Phoenix to my TBR list. I'd never heard of it before.

  2. Thanks for dropping by here! I am still trying to get a hold of Fox and Phoenix myself...

  3. Hitchhiker's Guide is such a fun book! have you seen the recent movie they made? Definitely read the book first, but the movie is quite fun as well.

    Have fun with the rest of them as well!

  4. I have watched the movie already, and quite enjoyed it. I especially liked the paranoid Marvin. Alan Rickman was the perfect choice for his voice!

  5. That list looks great! I really like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Neverending Story . . .and now I have a few more books to add to my "to-read" pile.
