
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Making Time

These days I am swamped with school, a job, and life. I'm finding it hard to make the time to write every week (notice my wording here--I did not say I don't have time, because I do. It's just a matter of using it wisely). At the end of the day, I just want to kick back and do something brainless; I often don't feel like struggling with the holes in my plot or managing the development of my characters. To be a successful writer you have to write constantly--not just when inspiration hits. This I know. So how do I kick start my brain into gear?

I know I'm not the only one who's busy--in fact, I'm sure all of you are. So what do you do to keep yourself writing every week? Tips? Tricks? Suggestions? Struggling with this yourself? Do share.

This post is part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh. We post the first Wednesday of every month. Check out some of the other blogs below participating in this event!


  1. I can relate. End of the day, I just want to play a computer game and my guitar. It is tough to force yourself to write when you're beat. I've found if I tell myself "At this time, I stop and I write" I actually do it.

  2. When I'm in the middle of a novel its easy. I just push everything out of the way so I can get back to my story. It when I'm between projects that I struggle...and I'm working on that! :)

  3. I'm with Alex; I think setting yourself definite 'writing time' will forge the habit of constant writing so you'll feel that you're making best use of your time.

  4. Hi Allison,

    I wandered over from the IWSG :D I can also relate. I'm in school full time, English Major, and I write for my classes. By the time I get all that writing finished, I'm beat! I know I have a LOT of work to do for several projects, the energy just isn't there.

    Have no fear! It comes back and it will. You'll be hit with an idea soon enough and you'll be off and running. If only we could PLAN these ideas...


  5. Yeah, editing has kind of sucked the joy out of writing for me. I'm focusing on writing fun things right now, just so I stay in the habit, but I'm not worrying about my "real" stories for a while.

  6. Thanks for the suggestions! I think I will have to set myself a constant writing time.

  7. For me, it's all about a schedule...which I usually then completely disregard. But I try to adhere to it as much as I can. I also tend to write from 12-4 am when my inspiration usually strikes, making for some tired mornings. But I really do think schedules are the best way when you're working around a busy life. Even just one to two hours a day is SOMETHING. Keep at it!

  8. I also want to just chill at the end of a working day, but I find that once I MAKE myself sit down and begin writing/editing, then I get into it and enjoy it :-)
