
Sunday, March 4, 2012

First Blogger Award

Woohoo! My first award!  The Leibster award is the "best kept secret" award given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is given in order for more people to find your blog. Thank you Jeremy for giving me this award! Be sure to stop by Jeremy's blog, as it is a great place to geek out.

The rules for accepting the award are:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.
2. Nominate up to five others for the award.
3. Let them know via comment on their blog.
 4. Post the award on your blog. 

An added rule:
5. Follow this link and at least consider signing up for the A-Z Challenge. It is a great way to find new and interesting blogs, have people find your blog, and meet new people.

The A-Z Challenge sounds like tons of fun and a great way to generate blog traffic and get to know new people. I am sorry that I won't be able to participate as I will be gone for two weeks in April.

The people I will choose to receive the award are:
Clint @ Geeky Daddy - I enjoy stopping by his blog for geeky book news. I see he has already been nominated for this award, but I'm including him here again anyway!
Scott & Chris @ Iceberg Ink - Fun blog on reviews, books, TV, you name it.

Brenda @ Reading Fairy Tales - Haven't been many updates here of late, but I greatly enjoy her book reviews.


  1. Allison, congratulations! And I like your added rule.

    1. Oh, thanks! But it wasn't actually my idea. I think inspirenordic came up with it. I thought it was a good addition too.

  2. Allison Congrats on the reward. I love it that you nominated for this award even though we were nominated together. You ROCK!! I was not that sure about nominating a person a second time, because your blog was one of the first ones that popping into my head. Thank you again.

    1. haha thanks, Clint, and you are welcome. Yours was the first one that came to my mind, too.

  3. Congrats on the Liebster! The A to Z is a great blogfest. Lost of work, but tons of fun.

  4. Hey, congratulations on the award. I like the additional new rule too. The A to Z challenge is a great way to gain new followers.

  5. Thanks everyone! Yes, I am disappointed to be missing out on the A to Z challenge. Oh well, next year...
