
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Why I'm Still Watching Once Upon a Time

In Once Upon a Time, fairy tale characters are ripped from their magical lands by the evil queen and forced to reside together in the town of Storybrooke, Maine, where they live out normal human lives without realizing who they are. The main character is cynical, world-savvy Emma Swan (the long lost daughter of Snow White) whose son Henry is the adopted son of Storybrooke's mayor (also the wicked queen). The show alternates between the present goings-on in Storybrooke and the past scenes in fairy land.

I've read conflicting reviews about this show, and I do agree it has its problems. For one thing, if time has stopped in Storybrooke (Snow White is around the same age as her daughter Emma), why hasn't anyone noticed that they are not aging? The plot relies heavily on the fairy tale flashbacks, which are cheesy at some points; the fairy tale stories are very Disney-esque, and not reminiscent of the original Grimm's tales, which I would have liked. Also, another thing that really annoys me is Snow White's complete personality change in Storybrooke. She is this awesome, outspoken, sassy character in the fairy tale, and a meek, quiet woman in Storybrooke.

However, I am still enjoying this show a lot. Here's why:

1. I love fairy tales. I enjoy the original Grimm's stories, but I can have a good time with the lighter, fluffier tales in this show too.

2. Once Upon a Time puts spins on its fairy tales, which I enjoy. I really liked the episode where Rumpelstiltskin turned out to be the same character as the beast from the Beauty and the Beast story.

3. And perhaps this should have been number 1, because this is probably the most important reason: the acting in this show is fabulous. Jennifer Morrison is great in her skeptical, street-smart role. Ginnifer Goodwin is a compelling and loveable Snow White. Lana Parrilla has convinced me to hate her, which is what a villain should do. Robert Carlyle is awesome as the conniving, manipulative Rumpelstiltskin.

I AM hoping the show doesn't drag on and on forever with the town oblivious to their true identities. I think things could get really interesting when people find out, or at least when Emma finds out, the truth.

Anyone else watching and enjoying (or not) Once Upon a Time?


  1. I love this show! I agree, it has some holes, but I'm willing to forgive them. :) I think Robert Carlyle is amazing! He's so creepy as Rumpelstiltskin and as Mr. Gold, but in different ways. He does such a good job. :)

    1. I first saw Robert Carlyle in Stargate Universe and thought he was great. I agree that he is amazing here too!

  2. The reason this show isn't more like Grimm's original stories is because Disney owns ABC. The likeness between this show and the Disney movies can sometimes be seen.

  3. I'm trying to remember how many episodes of this series I've watched... five maybe? And I didn't stop because I didn't enjoy them - I did :-) Even though it's not the most excellent show I've ever seen. You know when life just gets really busy and you don't have time to watch TV, and you forget about some of the series you were following (because they're not your ABSOLUTE favourite!)? But I would like to see how this series plays out.

    1. Yeah, I know what you mean. I've had a bit of free time, so I've kept up with it. Time will tell if I will continue.

  4. I did start it, but not w/the first episode, so instead I stuck with Grimm (probably the complete opposite of a Disney version of fairy tales!). I'll probably get back into Once Upon a Time again...after Grimm is off!

    1. I haven't tried Grimm yet, because I am already watching quite a few shows, so I chose Once Upon a Time over it. I will probably watch it eventually too though.

  5. I watch it once in a while (usually on the show's website, when I get a few minutes), but I don't feel a compulsion to watch, for the same reasons you stated above! In fact, I think Rumpelstiltskin is the only reason I watch it.

    I don't usually watch much TV, but the other night I saw the new show Awake, and couldn't stop thinking about it! It was such a contrast from a show I thought I'd love (Once Upon a Time), but didn' a show I wasn't sure I'd like (Awake), but loved!

    1. I saw the trailer from that show and it looked pretty intense! It seems like one of those ones that I'd rather wait till it's finished before I start watching.

  6. And also, I gave you an award over on my blog. Geeks Rule! :)
