
Monday, May 21, 2012

Once Upon a Time Finale

**Spoiler warning if you haven't seen the finale or any of this show yet**

Well, I really enjoyed the first season of Once Upon a Time. It started out good and just got better as it went on. The only thing I was worried about was that they might drag it on forever and Emma would never figure out the truth.

Hurray! I am happy that now she knows. There are so many interesting places for this story to go now, and I hope the writers take full advantage of that in the next season. I have also been waiting for Rumpelstiltzkin to discover that his Belle was not dead after all, and I'm glad they put that in this episode as well. I think there will be a pretty awesome war between Rumpelstiltzkin and Regina in the future.

I am curious about what the purple smoke Rumpelstilzkin released from the well means, however. I thought it sounded like he was releasing magic into the world again, but someone else suggested that he was just putting everything back the way it was before (because it looked like the clock stopped again). Please no--move the story forward, I say!

Watched Once Upon a Time? What did you think of Season 1 and the finale?


  1. Sorry, I didn't get into that series, but just because I was already on TV series overload.
    Now I'm on Diablo III overload - always something!

    1. Yep... we always feel like we need more time!

  2. I love this show! I thought the same thing as you, he's bringing magic into this world. I suppose that will make their battle a bit more interesting. :) It also explains why he's been helping them. It seemed odd that he would want the spell broken when he hasn't found his son yet. But he didn't, of course, just needed that little bottle!
    Yeah, I'm very into the show. ;)

    1. I'm assuming him searching for his son will come into play in the next season! I am curious what they will do with that.

    2. Me, too. He's one of my favorite actors on the show, too. He's so talented! I love how creepy he is as both Gold and Rumplestilztkin, but in different ways. :)

  3. I watched the first couple of episodes and then kept forgetting to watch it. It really is a clever show. I'm hoping Netflix will get it on DVD so I can watch the whole season.

    1. I like the twists that they have been putting on the fairy tales, even if they are a little Disney-ish because Disney owns ABC.

  4. I haven't watched the final yet (so I didn't read much of this post), but I'll be back one I do watch it to leave my thoughts. :)


  5. My wife really likes this show. I saw a few episodes and found it entertaining. I've just had to cut back on some of my shows to accommodate all this blogging. Have you watched Grimm?

    1. I decided I would only watch one of the two, so I chose Once Upon a Time over Grimm, because I felt like something lighter. I haven't heard much about Grimm after its start, I wonder how it is doing.

  6. It's okay. There are times when I've watched it it was good, other times not so much. I haven't seen the finale though. Thx for sharing. :)

    1. I felt like the episodes kept improving as the show progressed. And the interesting twists they put on the fairy tales are mostly what kept me watching (also, I really enjoy the actor for Rumpelstiltzkin).

  7. I have seen a couple episodes of this. I just kept missing episodes, and eventually I saw another one. However I had no clue what was going on. I plan on maybe renting or getting it through Hulu because I have had many friends say that it is good.

    1. Yes, I can see why you would want to watch the episodes in order!

  8. Okay, finally watched the finale last night and I enjoyed how the writers handled it, except for the part where she tossed the egg up to Rumpelstiltzkin. I mean...come on...everybody saw that coming a mile away! :)

    1. Yeah, I was a little annoyed at that part too. Especially since she is supposed to have the "superpower" of being able to tell when someone is lying!

  9. I too wonder what the purple smoke means. This is definitely my favourite show on tv right now (Ringer is a close second). I love how even the "evil" characters have backstories that make them sympathetic.

    1. I agree, evil characters who have interesting back stories are so much more fun! I'm liking Rumpelstiltzkin a lot.
