
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Write What You Love

Wanting to please people too much is an annoying trait I often find in myself. When I am working on a novel or a story, sometimes I wonder if it would please so-and-so, or if so-and-so would approve. Here I am, writing an action-adventure story; it's not deep enough; there's a little violence; it's for a younger audience so my older friends would find it too juvenile. So-and-so would surely disprove of this. Maybe I shouldn't write it. Maybe I should write something else that would please everyone better.

These are terrible, terrible thoughts. And if you find yourself thinking them, stop! My reasoning is this: I will never be able to please everybody. Even fantastic books like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter get bad reviews. Also, if I don't write what I love--the story that is taking up space in my brain and demanding to be let out--I am not telling the best story that I can. Readers will notice that I am not in love with my story; they're pretty clever, those readers.

I recently read an article by C.J. Henderson, in which he wrote: "Many a great idea has died without ever seeing the sun because fear stopped its heart from ever beating. If you want to write vampire adventure romantic comedies that take place within a Buddhist monastery, then do it. Either your unique perspective will create the very thing the world has been waiting for... or at least you'll get the damn lunatic notion out of your system once and for all. Either way it will be good for you as a writer" (The Bulletin of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, "Are You to Embarrassed To Be a Professional Author?" p. 6).

These words are great advice, I think. I still struggle with this, but I am working on writing what I love no matter what others might think (and, anyway, the problem is actually more what I think others might think, not even what they actually think. Sheesh. Sometimes I think we writers torture ourselves for no good reason).

Do you struggle with wanting to please people? Got words of wisdom for those who do?

This post is part of the Insecure Writer's Support Group hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh. We post the first Wednesday of every month. Check the link for some of the other blogs participating in this event!


  1. Ooh you make a very good point. It's hardly even worth doing if you don't enjoy it :)

  2. You have to please yourself or it will show in your writing.

  3. That's an awesome quote. It is great advice.

  4. Great post! You know, I have the same issues, wondering if whoever out there that will read my stuff will like it or not. What if they hate it and that one bad review is what makes or breaks me? I completely understand where you are coming from.

    1. Yeah... I didn't realize how tough writers have to be when I first decided I wanted to write. Now how am I learning!

  5. I remember hearing that Harry Potter was getting blasted by Catholics for promoting witchcraft to children. There certainly is no pleasing everyone. Great advice and wonderful post! If you try to please everyone you probably won't be relevant. As an aside, I clicked on you blog and immediately saw my book on the sidebar! I'm excited and oh so nervous...haha.

    1. Yes, Harry Potter is quite controversial in the Christian community too... Myself, I don't see how it differed from something like Lord of the Rings or even Chronicles of Narnia in its use of magic. I'm sure glad Rowling wrote what she loved, though, cause it is one of my favourite series!

      haha, well I am only one reader, you know. I've only just started your book so I can't make any specific comments yet, but I am looking forward to reading the story that you love :)

  6. This is really good advice! I struggle with this a lot... This sex scene is too graphic. What would Grandpa think? I need to be better at remembering to be true to the story and not worry so much about Grandpa.

  7. I always write for myself. The story doesn't flow when you're trying to be something else.

  8. I love that quote. It his spot on. I write what's in my head. I have to. Then worry about it later. =) Great post.

  9. I try not to worry about what other people whould want to read and just write for myself. In the end, if I haven't been true to myself and the story, then what's the point in writing it?

  10. Oh yeah, I really do identify with that! To the point that I can't even start my novel because I can't 'feel' it any more - I'm too caught up with what is required/what is 'lame'/what other will think of it. Thank you for this post - I'm going to write the first few paragraphs tonight now! Thanks for visiting my blog too. Now following you :-)

    1. Yay! I am super excited that my post inspired you to start a novel. Thanks!

  11. This is a great post. I tend to care too much about what my story and writing should be like and whether it will please so and so. You have a fantastic attitude and you make a few excellent points. Thank you for stopping by my blog and offering some brilliant advice.

  12. I enjoyed your post. I tend to do the same, but I am getting better for writing for me and not what others think of my writing. i guess I have to get use to some people will not like my writing and/or story.

    Kudos to you in finding the quote by C.J. Henderson.

  13. Loved that quote! For some reason when I hear wild combo ideas like that I want to start writing to them. . .and yes, I want to please people far too often, but I have to write what I love. Sometimes that disappoints people who want me to write what I know from my "real" life when I write fantasy instead . . . but I need to write what I love.

    1. It's true... sometimes I feel that as a Christian I am expected to write either devotional stuff, nonfiction, or realistic fiction. But I love to write fantasy, and that's what I'm gonna write!

  14. Thanks for your lovely comments! You guys are all awesome.

  15. Oh I definitely have this issue. I'm finally at the point where I'm writing what I love and that's it. Who cares. It makes me feel better and if it people like it--super. You're right, some of the most popular novels get bad reviews. It's all left up to interpretation. Great post!

  16. I know I won't please everyone because my books are aimed at a very specific group of people. Those outside of that group just won't get it.

  17. I don't really have this issue, unless you count me wanting to please eeeeeeeeeveryone who would ever possibly read my story. haha
