
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Warehouse 13 Season 4, Episode 1: A New Hope

Warehouse 13 is back!! Woohoo!!! I am excited to jump back into this series with all the questions season 3 left us hanging with.

SPOILER ALERT: In these episode reviews I will be discussing what happens without being careful about what I say, so don't read on unless you have seen it or don't care about spoilers.

First of all, might I jump for joy that H.G. Wells is back. She is my favourite character (right up there with Pete) and I've been hoping all summer that somehow Artie's watch would be able to bring her back. Fingers crossed that she will return as a Warehouse agent and be a regular on the series.

This episode took a dark turn, and I think is foreshadowing more darkness to come. Brrrr. I thought the writers and actors did a really good job of making these scenes full of emotion, even though we were pretty sure that Artie was going to turn back time. I mean, Pete's death--I almost cried. And is it setting things up for Claudia to become the villain of this series? That would make me sad, but the idea has potential. She could make a pretty awesome villain.

I think this episode has set the mood for exciting events to unravel. What were your thoughts?


  1. I enjoyed it! Sad it had to fill the void left by Eureka, but at least there's still something decent to watch on SyFy.

    1. Yeah, here's hoping it lasts a few seasons more.

  2. I've been recommended this series before, but I've yet to check it out. I'm so behind in shows I want to watch! Happy Sunday!

    1. Thanks! I know, there are so many good shows out there.

  3. I'm going to have to check this series out . . . I haven't seen it yet.

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Warehouse 13! I'm still catching up on the last season though:D

    1. Awesome! Sometimes I wish I would only start shows after they are all finished, so I wouldn't have to wait for the next episodes :)

  5. I've never heard of this show! There's a character called H.G. Wells? And she's a woman? That's awesome!

    1. Yes, isn't it awesome! There are a lot of historical references, and I like how they interweave them with the plots.

  6. I went and found this series on Netflix, and now I'm hooked. :)

    1. Hurray! Maybe you will catch up in time to watch season 4 with me :)
