
Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall 2012 TV Shows

These are the shows airing this fall that I am looking forward to watching or have already started watching. I'm not sure if I will have time to catch all of them. What shows will you be keeping up with this fall?

Doctor Who -- Season 7 started Saturday, September 1
I will be sad to see Rory and Amy go.

Revolution -- Season 1 started Monday, September 17
Interesting premise for a new show by J.J. Abrams. I will give it a try!

The Big Bang Theory -- Season 6 started Thursday, September 27
While the first seasons are still the best, I will be keeping up with the geeks in this show.

Fringe -- Season 5 starts Friday, September 28 (today!)
I am a little wary about how the final season of Fringe will turn out. The episodes have been getting a little weird, but I still really enjoyed Season 4. I don't like that there is no sign of Olivia in these trailers. Who wants to watch Fringe without Olivia? I'm sure she will turn up, but I hope they don't leave her out of many episodes.

Once Upon a Time -- Season 2 starts Sunday, September 30
Season 1 ended with magic entering the world. I am curious to see what will happen next!

Merlin -- Season 5 starts Saturday, October 6
Things have definitely changed throughout this series. Arthur is king, Guinevere queen. The knights of the round table are forming. Please let Arthur find out that Merlin is a wizard in this season, that's all I have to say.


  1. I did watch the first couple episodes of Once Upon a Time last season. Kept forgetting when it came on though and lost track of it. I don't watch much television, but that show was kind of fun.

    I tried watching the new Sherlock Holmes show Elementary last night, and it was kind of a dud.

    1. I didn't know they were making a new Sherlock Holmes show--that is too bad it wasn't very good. I hear BBC's Sherlock is excellent.

  2. I've kind of lost touch with Doctor Who. Matt Smith is, by far, my least favourite of the 'new' Doctors, and I never really warmed up to Rory or Amy.

    The Big Bang Theory is always good for a laugh, although you're right that it's not as fresh or funny as it used to be. Once Upon a Time is a definite guilty pleasure, and worth it just for Rumpelstiltskin.

    About the only show I would add is Grimm. It took me a while to warm up to Nick, but it's one of those genre shows my wife doesn't mind watching with me.

    1. It took me a while to warm up to the new Doctor, Amy and Rory because I just loved David Tennant and was sad to see him go. But after a while I came to love the new characters. Rumpelstiltskin is also my favourite from Once Upon a Time. Robert Carlyle does such a good job.

      I haven't watched Grimm yet. I will probably give it a try somewhere along the line.

  3. I'm curious about Revolution. For comedy, I love How I Met Your Mother, with started up this past week. I can't wait for Dexter, starting tomorrow! And I'd like to get caught up on The Walking Dead, which I think starts in a week or two. So many shows, it's hard to keep up.

    1. I also like How I Met Your Mother, though they are dragging on with the secret identity of Ted's future wife for far too long, in my opinion! It is hard to keep up with all these good shows... sometimes I just like to wait and buy the DVDs so I can watch them all at once and don't have to keep up every week.

  4. Just finished watching the finale for Doctor Who. It's all good :) Hope you enjoy!

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

    1. Ooh good, I still have to catch up with the last two episodes. I wasn't a fan of the cowboy one--too much talking and not enough action. But I enjoyed the first two.

  5. Dr Who, Merlin and Big Bang Theory are family favourites. Although I'm sure I'm not seeing Big Bang in order, they are shown a lot, and never in any order.

    1. Doctor Who and Merlin are great family shows, I think! And you don't really have to see Big Bang in order, I guess.

  6. Ooh, I watched the first two episodes of Revolution and enjoyed them :-)
    LOVE The Big Bang Theory.
    Once Upon A Time was pretty interesting, so I'd like to continue watching that, too.

    1. Oh good, I'm looking forward to seeing Revolution.
