
Friday, October 19, 2012

The Next Big Thing

Well I've been tagged for this blog meme three times by the lovely Mina Burrows, Jamie Ayres, and Shell Flower, so I figure I better do this post!

1. What is the title of your book?
The working title is Shifter, but I don't really like it so I think it will change by the end.

2. Where did the idea come from for the book?
It all started after my brother and I had just finished watching one of the Star Wars movies, and I asked him what colour lightsaber he would choose if he was a Jedi. That's right. Oh, you want the rest of the story? Well there really isn't much to tell... that sparked the conversation that eventually developed into the idea for this novel. We both liked the idea of a brother and sister who had telekinetic powers learning to use them at a training facility. And no, it is not a Star Wars novel.

3. What genre does your book fall under?
YA Sci-Fi.

4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
The characters are young, since it is YA, and I am not a fan of most of the well known young actors out there. It would also be tricky because the main characters are twins so they have to look somewhat similar. I'm thinking maybe some unknowns. A couple younger actors I do really like are Ellen Page (Inception, X3) and Molly Quinn (Castle). Can't think of any boys. For older actors, I think Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Hugo Weaving (Lord of the Rings), Jeremy Renner (The Avengers), Ralph Fiennes (Harry Potter), Helen Bonham Carter (Harry Potter) and Charlize Theron (The Italian Job) should be in it. Wow, that is an interesting cast now that I look at that list. lol.

5. What is a one-sentence synopsis of your book?
After a terrifying accident, 15-year-old Anasta Dreav discovers she can move things with her mind and, along with her brother, starts training to join the ranks of elite military operatives called Shifters.

6. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I would like to go the traditional publishing route.

7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
One month. I did it for NaNoWriMo last year, and am completely rewriting it for NaNoWriMo this year!

8. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
I haven't read a lot of YA sci-fi. In fact, I don't know if I've read any. I guess I'd compare it to Divergent by Veronica Roth or A Coming of Age by Timothy Zahn (which I've only just started reading so I'm not sure if it is a good comparison, but they is about kids and telekinesis).

9. Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Jesus, Star Wars, my dad, my brother, and lots of other people and things.

10. What else about your book might pique readers' interest?
Well it's about a galactic war, two kids trying to make a difference after their mother has been captured, a secret training program for kids with telekinetic powers, telekinetic children with grudges, an AI with personality to boot... what's not to like? In my plotting class I was asked to pick out my themes from the plot, and I discovered I was writing about "Good vs. Evil," "Family Bonds," "Love Requires Sacrifice," and "Not letting yourself be defined by others" among other things.

This blog meme has been around the block, and I feel like all my writing blogger buddies have participated already, but if you haven't, by all means do so and let me know in the comments!


  1. Like your inspirations!
    Depending on the actual age of your characters, it could still be an adult novel. Ender's Game wasn't young adult. And even though I ended up submitting mine to a couple publishers as a young adult, it was picked up as an adult science fiction book.
    Hope the rewrite is great! I want to read it.

    1. There was actually discussion in the plotting class I'm taking about whether Ender's Game would get picked up by a publisher now. The author thought publishers would probably make Card change the character's age to fit the book into an existing niche. I'm not writing to fit into a niche though... I'll just write the story that's in my head and worry about where it fits later! Glad my book sounds interesting :)

  2. Great answers! I really enjoyed this meme and your book sounds very interesting. Molly Quinn is one of my faves as well; I chose her as my female lead. Her agent's going to be thrilled with us ;-)

    1. haha I'm sure! I do like her acting in Castle, though I would like to see her in a role with more action.

  3. Great answers this sounds awesome!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you think so since you will be reading it :P

  4. Sounds great. Good luck with the NaNoWriMo re-writes!

  5. Sounds awesome! I like your cast there, even if you didn't come up with it purposely! *LOL*

  6. That's a great introduction to your novel. It's such an inspirational accomplishment to crank out a first draft in a month. I hope the rewriting is going well and looking forward to hearing more!

    1. It is, but it came out such a mess I am doing some serious outlining now in preparation for this NaNo!

  7. This sounds really fabulous. I'd read it. And yeah, there was a book out not long ago called Shifting, so ... but then again I'm huge on making titles. I'm sure you'll develop a winner. :)

    1. Hurray! I'm glad the idea is interesting, at least. I'm not very good at coming up with titles, and though it IS going to be a YA book I think, "Shifter" just sounds too YA, if you know what I mean :P

  8. Book sounds interesting, I like that the setting is in a galatic war.

    1. Thanks. Yeah... who doesn't like a good galactic war, I say?

  9. What a brilliant premise. Keep us updated.

  10. This sounds like a great book! I want to read it already. I love books that combine all those elements you mention in the last question. Looking forward to NaNoing soon!

    1. I am looking forward too. Hope I can keep up!
