
Monday, November 5, 2012

November Craziness and I'm Thankful for My Readers

I signed up for NaNoWriMo, which may have been a crazy plan because guess how many words I have written? 0 out of 50,000. That is right. I'm afraid to sign in to my profile on the website to see how many words my fantastic blogging buddies have gotten down already.

The reason I haven't written anything is because the beginning of the month was crazy. I moved out of my old apartment and moved in to a new one. I've been going to job interviews, and this weekend I worked 11 hour days at a comic convention. Soooo... do I just give up because it's day 5 already? Heck, no. I am going to start working on it today. I may have to lower my 50,000 word goal to something more manageable, like 30,000, but that's okay.

So if I disappear for most of November from my blog and yours, this November craziness is why, and I apologize for my absence.

How are you NaNoWriMo participants doing? Feel free to gloat about your high word count--I don't mind :) Getting those words down is exciting.

And now... the I’m Thankful for my Readers Blog Hop, hosted by Tara and VikLit.

I've always been thankful for my dad, who has encouraged me in my writing, helped me think through plots, and read first drafts (telling me they were all awesome even if they were crap, of course. haha).

I am thankful for my new CP VikLit! It is great to be kept accountable and have someone encourage me to keep at it!

I am thankful for you blog readers and blogging buddies, who have given amazing support whenever I have posted any of my writing (I haven't posted much, but what I have has been well received).

Thanks all! Enjoy this crazy month.


  1. Even if you don't write 50,000 words, it will still be more than if you never attempted NaNo.
    Hope you find a job soon!

  2. Oh, craziness!!!! And such great words... there's so much to be thankful for! <3

  3. crazy is right! november is the quicket month of the year!
    and i'm glad you joined us!
    happy writing, less stress!

  4. Guess you'd better get started. Good luck!

  5. Good luck w/ the Nanoing - you can do it! It was wise to wait & start when you could focus.

  6. Good luck with Nano and it'll be great however many words you do; it'll still be more than you had before. Good luck with all the changes, job and flat! Thanks for joining in.

  7. Just doing whatever you can for NaNo is a good idea because even 30,000 words is better than none. Good luck with it and having some down time to write this month!

  8. You have been busy! You still have the rest of the month for NaNo. You can do it! :)

  9. Wow, that is a lot of stuff to do AND ALSO try to start NaNo. Stressful! But well done for not giving up now, and good luck with the rest of the month :-)

  10. Good luck, Allison, you can do it! Sounds like you've been crazy busy though.


  11. You can do it! Usually if I do what is counterintuitive then I know I'm on the right track! I should be working on my massive edits right now, but I'm glued to the election so I'm visiting blogger buddies as I watch:-) Best of luCK to yOU!!!

  12. See, I steer clear of Nano. I did it one year and everything, EVERY SINGLE WORD I jotted down was tripe. I think the stress really translates onto the page, and therefore we should not write under duress. ;) Best of luck to you!

  13. It sounds like your life has been super busy. That's ok! Just take a deep breath, and start writing again. Don't let a few non-writing days get you down. Enjoy life and writing!
    I'm not up to the NaNo count either . . .
