
Friday, November 16, 2012

Oh, How I Miss You blogfest

Today's the Oh, How I Miss You blogfest hosted by Andrew Leon, Matthew Rush, and Alex J. Cavanaugh where we post about the bloggers we really miss and the bloggers we would really miss if they disappeared!

Blogger I miss

Jeremy at Geeky Tendencies is a fellow geeky blogger I miss. I made a lot of friends and found many great blogs when I started blogging, but none were quite as geeky as mine. Then I found Jeremy's blog, and it was a fantastic place of geekiness! Jeremy hasn't been blogging since the summer, though this is understandable since he is dealing with a lot of things including chemotherapy. Miss you, Jeremy!

Bloggers I would miss if they quit

It was hard to pick just three, because I would miss quite a few of you, including some gems I've only just begun to follow.

I have to mention the ninja captain Alex J. Cavanaugh as he is such a great blogging buddy. He is almost always the first one to comment on my posts, and almost always says something that makes me grin. I don't know how you keep up with everyone, Alex, but I would miss you if you stopped!

Jamie at Mithril Wisdom writes one of my favourite blogs to stop by. Jamie is a fantastic guy who always responds to comments and visits my blog in return. I am constantly inspired by his insightful posts and passion for geek culture!

Oh, there are so many others I would miss (my list of awesome blogs on the side says it all). But lastly I will give a shout out to Tyrean Martinson for being a sweetie and writing such heartfelt posts and comments.

Who would you miss if they stopped blogging?


  1. We haven't heard from Jeremy in a while. His last post talked about his health challenges.
    Thanks so much, Allison!
    And Jamie and Tyrean rock.
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest.

  2. I miss Jeremy, he was one of the first bloggers I met. I hope he comes back someday.

  3. I couldn't narrow it down. I had to name five. (Sorry I cheated) But I would really miss everyone on my blog roll if they stopped blogging!!

    And you can't go wrong with choosing Alex. Knowing him is like being BFF's with the most popular kid in the class. LOL

    1. haha I agree. I would miss everyone on my blogroll as well, including yourself!

  4. Awesome blogs you've picked :)

  5. I don't know Jeremy! He obviously must be awesome. And such a great community... it's so neat to be able to highlight special bloggers! :-)

    1. I love our little blogging community. It is neat to see familiar names commenting on everyone else's blogs.

  6. Alex is the man! I honestly don't know how he keeps track of all his bloggy buddies. :)

    1. I don't either, but I guess that is why he is the ninja captain!

  7. Replies
    1. There sure is, and he deserves it for all the time he puts in.

  8. That was exactly my problem. How can I pick just a few that i miss and would miss. It was a tough, tough call. you would be sorely missed, too. :)

  9. We would all miss Alex! He's such a wonderful force in this community. :)

  10. Alex is on my list, too. What would we do without him? I shudder to think of a world without Alex!

  11. haha...Everyone is choosing Alex. How could they not though, right? I like your site--I always find such cool sites through these blogfests. I'm a new follower. :) Nice to meet you!

  12. I miss Jeremy from Geek Banter--he was a great blogger. And I'd miss those three as well, if they left!

    1. I didn't realize what a tight community bloggers were before I joined... but I'm sure glad I did and found out!

  13. I think most of us would miss Alex if he went away!

  14. Damn. Ouch on Jeremy. I hope it works out.

    1. Maybe we will see him return to the blogosphere one of these days.

  15. Aww shucks, thanks Allison, much appreciated :)

    You'd me on my top list of people I'd miss too - it's good having a fellow geek around here :)


  16. Hi Allison .. Jeremy looks like the cri de coeur is out - hope he returns .. now Alex I know .. and I'm aware of Jamie and Tyrean .. Though looks like Jamie feels the same way with you ...

    Have a good weekend .. Hilary

    1. Well if you don't know Alex I don't know what hole you've been hiding in. haha. Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Alex has that quick wit. It takes me five minutes to come up with a comment. He was born to blog. :)

    1. Indeed. I am not the fastest commenter, either.

  18. I think everyone would miss Alex if he wasn't blogging.

    1. I don't know if I'd want that pressure to continue, as then I'd feel really bad if I ever wanted to take a break or stop.

  19. Alex is the most loved guy in the blogosphere today. :)

  20. I hear you Allison, I feel bad when I get behind!
    Life happens, just do what you can~
    Nice to meet you!

  21. That's so tough with what's going on with Jeremy. This is a great tribute to him. There are so many great people in the blogging community. It's so hard to only name a few.

  22. Wow! Thanks! (blushing) I totally didn't expect to be mentioned. We all get behind, and it's hard to name all the people and blogs I love in blogland . . . and then I have a tough time stopping by them all too.

  23. What a happy blogfest! I totally agree on Alex and Tyrean ~ I haven't had the pleasure of "meeting" Jeremy, but I'm off to do so now!
