
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ebook News: The Seafort Saga

David Feintuch's sci-fi series, The Seafort Saga, is now available from Open Road Media in ebook format. The first book, Midshipman's Hope, was originally published in 1994 by Orbit.

I'd never heard of the series before Open Road sent me the announcement, but I am intrigued by Goodread's description:

A hideous accident kills the senior officers of UNS Hibernia--leaving a terrified young officer to save three hundred colonists and crew aboard a damaged ship on a seventeen-month gauntlet to reach the colony of Hope Nation. With no chance of rescue or reinforcement, Nicholas Seafort must overcome despair, exhaustion, guilt; he must conquer malfunctions, mutiny, and an alien horror beyond human understanding. He must save lives. And he must take them, in the name of duty.

Sounds like it could be an adventurous good time, though I am often hesitant about adult sci-fi because sometimes it develops in favour of tech and politics instead of plot and character development. Open Road has kindly provided me with a copy of Midshipman's Hope, so I'll let you know what I think when I finish it! Anyone read anything by Feintuch and can tell me what I'm getting myself into?

About the Author: In the 1990s, David Feintuch took the science fiction community by storm with his literary debut. Feintuch won the prestigious John W. Campbell for Best New Science Fiction Author with his first Seafort novel, Midshipman's Hope.

For more information or to see the new ebook cover art, please view the author's profile page here, or his fun Facebook page here.


  1. Sorry, I haven't read anything by that author.

  2. Interesting. I've not heard of this book or the author before. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Sure. I'm not sure what I'll think of him, but I'll find out soon enough...

  3. Haven't seen this! Thanks, Allison! :D
