
Sunday, January 13, 2013

What do you want from me, folks?

Well, since it is the new year and I am starting a brand new job tomorrow, I am thinking about making a schedule for myself so I don't forget to post regularly. I've just been posting whenever, but would it be helpful if I posted on set days each week?

What would you like to see more of here? More reviews? More on general geek culture? More video games? More TV shows? More book talk? More writing? Would something like a TV re-watch that you could follow along with be fun (maybe Doctor Who, Fringe, Eureka, Firefly, Stargate, or Avatar: The Last Airbender)? I'd love to know what you'd prefer to see here.

And don't forget, I've opened up Geek Banter for guest posts. Shoot me an email if you'd like to guest here, posting on anything from video games to movies, books, writing, TV, or other geeky topics. I'd love to have you!


  1. Set days help me. Although outside of the IWSG and the Ninja News, the topics vary.
    Always willing to rewatch Firefly or Stargate!
    Whatever topics excite you, Allison. Geek culture is my thing as well, so I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you post.

    1. Well if I do Stargate I think I will have to review it by season, not by episode. haha. Yeah I definitely have to be interested in my topics or they will not interest you guys :)

  2. I love your book reviews, so definitely keep them. Also geek culture, obviously! I don't play video games but I enjoy reading your posts about them, and as a writer I would love to see more writing posts :)

  3. Set days do help out. I love a wide variety of geek topics. Maybe one day for writing and/or books, another for movies and/or TV shows, and a third day for whatever else might pop up.

    1. I think I will set aside one day for reviews--be it book, movie, TV, or video game. Yeah, set days are probably a good idea.

  4. I'm partial to a potpourri of everything. Keep surprising us. :)

  5. Your blog is great, but I do love writing posts. I'm actually here to check out your Scrivener post, so stuff like that is cool. Just stay geeky, that's all ;)

  6. I always love your review posts, but you've always got cool geeky stuff to talk about. I just finished watching Firefly and ordered Serenity on Amazon. It's so good! :)

    1. Yay for Firefly! It is SO good. I rewatch it probably yearly. And Serenity is fantastic as well. I love how they kept the flavour of the show and wrapped things (some things, anyway) up.

  7. I'm an inconsistent blogger myself, not always sure what to post on. I read whatever a blogger posts :)


  8. If it's geeky, it's good for me :) I try to get a schedule going but I never stick to it. Right now I've a notebook with topic ideas and I cross them out as I do each one. That seems to be working a little better for me :)


    1. I do that too! Well I think I will try a schedule and see how it goes.

  9. Geek is good. And I love learning about new things I can geek over :)


  10. Book reviews are always helpful, and I love TV shows!

  11. I love book reviews and anything geekish. :)
