
Monday, February 18, 2013

Music Monday

(Don't forget to sign up for the Level Up! Blogfest that's happening this Wednesday!!)

A few weeks ago, I shared six of my favourite instrumental, low-key, geeky tunes that might work for calming a kid down. Today I thought I'd share six of my favourites that could work to keep a kid up (or keep you up, if you prefer)!

Menu Music from Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

Culture Clash by KPM Music

 Every Star, Every Planet from Doctor Who

Fight Club from Assassin's Creed 3

Main Theme from Metal Gear Solid 3

Robots FTW from Portal 2

Happy listening!


  1. Fun! Thanks for sharing!
    And I was just working on my Level Up post. :) Looking forward to it!

  2. Gaming music always rocks. Looking forward to Level Up, as well.

  3. I love the Assassin's Creed scores, and nothing beats Doctor Who.

    Can't wait for the blofest :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
