
Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Big Reveal!

I was going to do this anyway, and lo' and behold, I find out there is a blog hop for just such a purpose! Huzzah. Thanks Mina and David for hosting! Check out their blogs for other participants revealing their themes!

My A-Z theme is....

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Characters.

I'm highlighting some of my favourites, and they are from TV shows, video games, movies, AND books. That's right, who knows who might show up to this blog hop. The Star Wars galaxy, Hyrule, Hogwarts, and Eureka all mashed up into one blogfest? Heck, yeah. Universes just might collide.

Since I've also made some fantastic blogging friends this year, I will be adding a line at the bottom of each post to give a shout out to some blogging pals as well. I've almost got one blogging buddy for every letter of the alphabet. Only X and Y are missing right now, so, you know, feel to befriend me quick if your name starts with X or Y ;)

April's almost here!!!

And don't forget to comment on the post below if you like steampunk! You could win a copy of The Aylesford Skull.


  1. You know I'll be visiting every day! Excellent theme.

  2. Hellz yeah! I'm bookmarking this one! Looking forward to coming back.

    Hi from Nagzilla bloghopping A to Z

  3. Nice one Allison - thanks for taking part in the blog hop

  4. Perhaps only in fantasy can one find a name using all those pesky letters of the alphabet, something, perhaps, like Xkzzy. :-)

  5. That sounds like a cool theme! I'm curious to know which characters you'd come up with.

  6. Brilliant theme, I'm looking forward to your posts.

  7. Awesome!! Looking forward to seeing if any my favorites make the cut.

  8. Love this idea and looking forward to meeting all your favorite characters :-D

  9. Ooh sounds like my kind of theme, can't wait to see who you choose :)

  10. Awesome theme and I'm doing one along the same lines, just sticking with comic books, though. I'm looking forward to who you'll be picking :)

  11. Great theme - I'll probably end up learning a lot :-)

  12. Yes to the Geek! :) Definitely will be following this :) Cheers!

  13. Great topic. I always am interested to see what people post as their favs. Looking forward to it. :)
