
Monday, March 18, 2013

Top Ten Movie Countdown

Huzzah! Today is Alex J. Cavanaugh's Top Ten Movie Countdown blogfest! I love making lists, and I haven't done my favourite movies yet, so this is perfect timing!

I am actually going to play strictly to the rules and only pick ONE movie per slot (e.g. I won't be cheating and mentioning the whole Harry Potter series, for example.) Most of my selections are geeky, but a couple of them are not (gasp).

Without further ado, here are my favourites:

10. The Italian Job

A clever heist, good acting, and car chases that are actually interesting. This movie is fun, and even appealing to the non-geek.

9. Pride and Prejudice

What? A girly movie on my list? Come on, I think I'm entitled to at least one... And yes, it's the long BBC version.

8. The 10th Kingdom

No one seems to have heard of this movie, but it's so good! A fantastic twist on the "lonely lass finds her way into fairy-tale land" story. It's so much fun. I might have to write a review on it to further convince you all.


7. Spirited Away

Miyazaki's finest. So weird and so good.


6. Back to the Future

 A classic.


5. The Avengers

 Joss Whedon can do no wrong, can he?

4. Sword in the Stone

 My favourite Disney movie. My family can quote this one backwards and forwards.


3. Serenity

What was I saying about Joss Whedon? So glad Firefly got a movie that tied some of the loose ends. And it's a fantastic movie even on its own.


2. Empire Strikes Back

The original trilogy is still the best. I like to pretend episodes I-III don't exist. Episode V is my favourite.


1. The Fellowship of the Ring

I was brought up on Lord of the Rings. It was so exciting when this came out, and it absolutely didn't disappoint. It's my favourite of the trilogy.

And there you have it. Whew. So hard to pick just 10. Honorable mentions go to Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, X-Men 2, and Tangled.

What are your top ten movies? Be sure to stop by Alex's blog and visit the other participants in the fest!


  1. I really love the Lord of the Ring Trilogy too- it was hard to list only my top ten movies, because if I had more room, that would have made it on the list for sure! Also, I'm a huge Pride and Prejudice fan- but it has to be the version with Colin Firth :)

  2. I've heard of the 10th Kingdom! My particular group of friends was a bit obsessed with it our last year of high school and I own it on DVD. Awesome movie. I used to have a crush on Wolf. ;)

    1. Yay! A surprising amount of people have! Wolf is the best.

  3. LOTR and Serenity top my list! And Whedon can do no wrong.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  4. Nope... none of these, I hated them all... Kidding, wanted to throw you a curve ball...

    Jeremy [Retro-Z]
    Howlin' Wolf

  5. Excellent restraint on not counting a whole series as one. I may have yelped in glee when I saw Back to the Future. :)

  6. No, Joss Whedon can't do any wrong.

    The Italian Job is one of my favorite heist movies. It always makes me want to drive a mini cooper.

    1. I know, right? The red one. Definitely the red one.

  7. I heartily approve of your list, including Pride & Prejudice, and I love The 10th Kingdom, I must go back and rewatch that, it's been a long time since I dusted off the DVDs. The only one I haven't seen is the remake of The Italian Job, so I can't cast comment on that one.

    I must add though, and this will get me crucified by all my friends as well, Lord of the Rings (all of the movies), should have been shorter.

    1. haha, it's all right--I might agree with you there. Some of the long fighting scenes could have been shorter.

  8. 10th Kingdom!! Damn it, why didn't I think of that one. I LOVE that mini-series. Excellent list.

    1. I've seen lots of movies in this blogfest that I forgot to put on! Oh well, we only had ten anyway :)

  9. I keep seeing Serenity on people's lists and now I NEED to see it!

  10. I looked forward to your list, and you did not disappoint. We might disagree on Miyazaki's finest, though. :)

  11. Some great movies there and, Holy Crap, I can't believe I forgot about The 10th Kingdom! I really enjoyed that one!

    1. Yay! Glad to hear it is not as obscure as I originally thought.

  12. Oh my, The Sword in the Stone! I love this film! Great list!

  13. I love all your picks! Hayao Miyazaki movies rock for sure.

    1. They do, they really do. I also love Howl's Moving Castle and Castle in the Sky.

  14. Oh you definitely have some good ones on this list. The best scene in "The 10th Kingdom" is the trolls on the rowboat getting down to "Night Fever". I actually watched a couple of those this past weekend.

    1. No, no... the best one is where Wolf orders lamb at the restaurant :P

  15. I can't believe i forgot BACK TO THE FUTURE from my list. *hangs head in shame*

    1. haha, it's ok... I forgot the Princess Bride from mine.

  16. Hey, popping in from the Hop. LOVE LOVE LOVE this version of P & P; there can be no other Lizzie Bennett/Fitzwilliam Darcy pairing than Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth!!! :-)

    1. My feelings exactly. The Keira Knightley version does not do it justice.

  17. Love 10th Kingdom. In a way, it's like the origin of Once Upon a Time.

    1. Well the girl dropped into fairy tale land theme has been done many a time, but I think 10th Kingdom does it exactly right.

  18. I've never heard of The 10th Kingdom - now I have something new to look for!

  19. Sword in the Stone is one of my favourite Disney movies. The Marvellous Mad Madam Mim cracks me up :)


  20. I love The 10th Kingdom, I just read it again not too long ago - now I need to watch it again.

  21. Hooray for Spirited Away! And Serenity, too! Firefly needs to be revived AGAIN! Wow, that's a lot of exclamation points :)

  22. Great choices! I had a hard time picking ten movies, so I narrowed it down to one genre. Still, it was difficult! I agree that everyone's list should include Serenity.

  23. The avengers and bac to the future are on mine. I have heard of the 10th kingdom, but never watched it though, yet.

  24. You and I have some of the same movies. I loved FIREFLY & SERENITY (though I hated the deaths of two of my favorite characters!) Next time there should be 20 movies to put down!! Have you seen SUPER 8?

    1. I also rue the deaths of those two characters :( I haven't seen Super 8! I just looked it up to see it was directed by J.J. Abrams, whom I like. I should see it!

  25. I'm kicking myself that I didn't include Serenity on my list. Argh!! :)

    1. haha, it's ok. I forgot some good ones on mine too!

  26. I swoon over that particular version of Pride and Prejudice. Should have been on my list. :)

    1. Sometimes, a nice girly movie is just the thing.

  27. OOh, Spirited Away is sooo good. Awesome choice. P&P of course :) And Italian Job is a fun one--the original was really good, too.

  28. I think I am the only non-lord of the rings fan doing the blog hop - LOL. Nice list.

  29. The Empire Strikes Back is certainly my favorite of the Star Wars movies, too! Great list. :)

    1. I do enjoy the Ewoks and the fun battle in the third one... but the second one just beats it.

  30. Fantastic list! I loved Sword and the Stone, Lord of the Rings, and Back to the Future. :)

  31. I couldn't help it. I cheated. :)

    Long live Serenity!

  32. We're almost movie twins! Joss Whedon is my hero and I'll NEVER forgive them for cancelling Firefly. Perfect set up for a good, long, oh 25 season run...Star Trek style. Grrr...I think I need to post about it to perhaps get some of the grief and anger issues dealt with. Empire Strikes Back is definitely the best, and I'm glad there are other people who just pretend that they didn't go back and make those other stupid movies that don't belong with what *I* call the first three...but my boys disagree. They love those, but then again, they grew up with CGI and just don't appreciate what Industrial Light and Magic accomplished at the time they did...sounds like another post. I guess that's what you get when two geeks start talking...
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. I know, I have younger friends who love those three Star Wars movies, and I just don't understand... the originals are, of course, best. And geek discussions are also the best :)

  33. You might! You do! It's amazing. If you like superheroes at ALL, you must see it.

  34. The BBC version is my fave and...well, the only one I've ever seen. ha. well, I did see "Lost in Austen" which I LOVED. Another hot Mr Darcy in that one :)

    Nice list!

  35. Love the list! LotR made it to my list as well! :3
