
Thursday, April 4, 2013

D is for Doctor Who

The Doctor: "Allons-y!"

Also in my list of top three TV shows? You guessed it.

I love how even with each change, the Doctor is so excited to show his companions wondrous sights. He never gets bored with the amazing universe, even though it's constantly throwing terrible things at him.

My Doctor will always be David Tennant, the tenth doctor. His quirky personality is my favourite. I like the different relationships he has with each of his companions. I appreciate how he can be funny and light-hearted in one moment, and serious in the next. At times there's this look in his eyes that makes me believe he really is hundreds of years old--that he's suffered and loved and lived for that long.

Even though he wasn't ginger, he was great.

Shout out to blogger buddy D: That's you, David Powers King! You make me laugh every time I visit your blog.


  1. The only Doctor Who I've watched was the 9th Doctor. I loved it. But I was unfamiliar with the franchise and when he was replaced I was totally shocked and refused to watch anymore. Later on I learned that it was a conceit of the show to replace the Doctor like that. One of these days I'll go back and watch the rest (even the classic stuff).

  2. I have a confession to make: I've never seen any Doctor Who. Although I've asked my boyfriend to show me some episodes to see if I'll like it :)

  3. Ten is my doctor too. I love Matt Smith, but I miss David Tennant so much!

  4. My Doctor is Peter Davison - the poor guy who always gets overlooked, even if documentaries about Doctor Who! But of the recent ones, I love both David Tennant and Matt Smith. I didn't think I'd like Smith, but he's brilliant. You'll be looking forward to David Tennant's return for the 50th anniversary then!!

  5. I'm a Second Doctor fan, and I'm not saying that just to be a hyper-Who-nerdy-geeky-fan. I really think Patrick Troughton's interpretation of the character was the best, which is why you find elements of his character in every Doctor since. Indeed, are my wife and I alone in thinking the bow tie in the box in last Saturday's episode ("The Bells of St. John") was actually the Second Doctor's? Why else keep it in a special box? And it did look very similar.

    Anyway, it's ALWAYS a pleasure to meet fellow Who fans. I'm hoping to meet a lot of you today. :)

  6. Nice shout out to Dave, and I liked David Tennant too!

  7. I started watching The Doctor way back in the Tom Baker days...then, sort of, fell away from the series. I picked it up again with Eccleston and got hooked all over again. He's one of my favorites.

    The other night, my wife and I were watching the special on John Perwtee and seeing those old episodes made me wax nostalgic for staying up late on Saturday nights and watching it on PBS.

    One of my favorite shows, too.

  8. Never heard any of this stuff. Guess I'll Google it and get learning. Thanks for the glimpse into yet another world.

  9. David Tennant is my favourite too... looking forward to the anniversary episode. :)

  10. David Tennant is also my favorite, although I grew up with Tom Baker, so he'll always have a special place in my heart. I'm really behind right now, hoping to catch up this summer when other shows are on hiatus.

  11. I'm a Tennant fan too :) Doc X all the way!

    The new series is pretty awesome too :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  12. My favorite doctor is nine!! I just love him so much!!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

  13. Sadly I haven't got into Doctor Who. I've heard great things about it, but I've never found interest in the show. I do like David Tenant though. :)

  14. On New Years Eve my son has his friend over to watch the Dr.Who marathon... thats what the teenagers in our house do!!

  15. I've never been into Doctor Who as much as I'd like. The recent series have always been on at a daft time, early Saturday evening is not a good time for me. I'm not great at catching up on recorded things either.

    I'm thinking about going back to the very beginning and watching them from there.

    Great post.

  16. DOCTOR WHO! I am so excited it's back. You and I are such TV Kindred spirits ;)

  17. I lost touch with Doctor Who sometime during the eighties...but I thought there could only be nine reincarnations of the did they explain that one away?
