
Saturday, April 6, 2013

F is for Philip Fry

Bender: "Mr. Fry. I like to give my first mate an informal nickname. From now on, you will be known as... Wiggles!"
Fry: "The hell I will!"

My favourite delivery guy has gotta be Fry. Sometimes he does so many dumb things you just gotta feel sorry for him. And other times he does something so smart it's scary.

Who else could handle being tossed forward in time for one thousand years so well, I ask you?

And even when he does stupid things, his heart's in the right place. Usually. Ok, you gotta give him some wiggle room for being the guy he is. Wiggle room. Get it? Yeah, yeah, I hear your collective groan.

Shout out to blogger buddy F: Shell Flower from Tangent Shell is a sweetie and often likes to come by to comment on geeky things.


  1. YES. My whole family loves Futurama. I think my favorite Fry episode is the one where he gets worms from the bathroom sandwich. "It's like there's a party in my mouth and everybody's throwing up."

  2. Never watched any Futurama...nor any of Fox animated shows. Hmmmm.

  3. I go through phases of watching this show. At the moment, we don't. Our phases are actually mostly led by the kids... I'm not sure that should be allowed though ... ?

  4. Shell rocks!
    Used to watch that series all the time.

  5. My son loves this show, but I have to admit I've only seen a few. I love your theme for the challenge. Great idea and fits so well with your blog theme, you little geek :)

  6. He seemed to have a better life in the future than the past, anyway :)

  7. Bahaha! Fry is awesome. Gotta love Bender, though, too. "Bite my shiny metal a$$!" I know, it's 'F' day today. ;)

    Mel at Writings, Musings and Other Such Nonsense

  8. Fry is a funny character, I love his simple expressions and easy-going manner.

  9. Haha, I love Fry too. His pic alone made me giggle when I saw this post. :)

  10. I use to watch this all the time! Sweet!

  11. He's an inspiration to layabouts everywhere :) My favourite on Futurama has to be Farnsworth though. shreds, you say?

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
