
Monday, April 15, 2013

M is for Merlin

Merlin: "Don't take gravity too lightly or it'll catch up with you."

There are sooooo many characterizations of this wizard from Arthurian legend. Among the best are the Merlin from Stargate: SG1 and the one from the BBC series Merlin.

But my absolute favourite has got to be the Merlin from The Sword in the Stone. He's the wisest, friendliest, grumpiest, POOFiest wizard I know. He creates wizard blizzards and participates in duals with mad madams. Plus he can pack up an entire room with a chorus of hockety pockety wockety wack.

Shout out to blogger buddy M: Michael Pierce is a friendly blogger whom I admire for self publishing his YA books!


  1. I really liked the BBC miniseries. Excellent show.

  2. I don't think I've seen the BBC series, but I'll have to hunt it down.

    I love the Sword in the Stone. The wizards' dual is my favorite part!

  3. SG1 and Merlin - science fiction and fantasy collide!

  4. oh my gosh, I love the Sword in the Stone and the book it is based on. The name of the writer escapes me completely in the fog of my mind. It will come :D

    Great post!

  5. Love the Disney and the BBC Merlin!!!
    Thank you!

  6. I love most things Disney. :) They made a great Merlin.

  7. The BBC series was excellent, I loved every minute!

  8. I LOVE Merlin from Sword in the Stone too :) I didn't watch the BBC show or Stargate lol but Sword in the Stone... yeah, I'm all over that one :)

  9. I don't think he's actually Merlin, but the wizard from Dinsey's Fantasia reminds me of him

  10. I LOVE Sword in Stone! Though the BBC Merlin is prob my fave ;)

  11. I love that Merlin too and the "Wizard's Duel" is classic :)

    Left and Write

  12. I love the animated Merlin, but my favorite is the BBC one! I actually wrote about Merlin too. :)

  13. One of my favourite Disney movies is Sword in the Stone. I love the wizard's duel at the end :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
