
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Doctor Who Season 7.5

Who's been keeping up with the new season of Doctor Who, and what are you thoughts? What do you think of Clara, the new companion?

I've been enjoying them, but not as much as the last seasons. For me, Clara lacks the interesting personalities of the previous companions. She's got spunk and she's pretty, but so far that's all there's been to her character. I am interested to see her mystery solved, though.

My favourite episode this second half of the season was "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS," where we finally get to see more of the Doctor's beloved ship. It made me happy that we caught a glimpse of the pool and the library. I've always enjoyed the fact that she's somewhat of a living thing.

Looking forward to the finale that airs tonight! It is called "The Name of the Doctor," so that bodes interesting. Plus, you can catch a glimpse of River Song in the trailer; she's my favourite and has been conspicuously missing from this half of the season.


  1. I agree; this season hasn't been as exciting or as creepy as previous seasons (maybe Moffat is too distracted with Sherlock to make this as good as it can be?) but it's still enjoyable.

    I can't wait for the finale (half an hour left -- eep!). In the trailer you also get a glimpse of the Sixth Doctor as well as a scene that featured in "The Five Doctors" back in the early 80s; so there's going to be some Doctor crossovers by the looks of things!

    1. Ooh Doctor crossovers--I love it! I still haven't seen it yet. Gonna watch it tomorrow!

  2. I've never seen any Doctor Who, not even one episode! I need to fix that, really.

  3. Looking forward to the finale - nearly here!! I agree I want her mystery solved. Though I worry the explanation can't be as good as the build up...

  4. This season has been very disappointing. I think Matt Smith is a wonderful Doctor, but cute Clara is devoid of personality. The only stand out episode was HIDE which was really scary and ranks as one of the best ever, but the Clara episodes have been lacking in the emotional depth that the ones with Rose, Donna, Amy and Rory had.

    Looking forward to the finale though. Here in Oz we get it tonight. Trying to avoid spoilers, sweetie!

  5. I'm really looking forward to tonight's episode and, pretty much, agree with you on Clara. I haven't really been able to follow all the clues about who/what she might be, so I'm just waiting until they tell

    I'm not thrilled with the prospect of, after 50 plus years, of them telling us The Doctor's name.

    To me, he'll always just be....The Doctor.

    1. I'm not sure if we are supposed to be able to follow the clues... I agree about the name!

  6. I'm like Laura...I've never seen a Dr. Who episode all the way through. Just never got into it. :)

  7. I've just watched it!! I was a day late because the family were all out, and I not only had to NOT watch it when it was shown but also avoid all the Twitter mentions etc. I'm glad I didn't read about it, it wouldn't have done it justice. And I love River Song too.

    1. Ooh, I still haven't seen it! I hope it lives up to the hype.
