
Monday, July 1, 2013

Want to read A Game of Thrones?

Have you, like me, been wondering what all the hype is about with this series, but have been holding off because the books just look so long? Or perhaps you love the show and want to see how it came into being? Or maybe you just want a new epic fantasy series to dig into?

Well then, join me and my fellow adventurer Jamie Gibbs from Mithril Wisdom in the beginnings of A Song of Ice and Fire Book Club.

Starting today, July 1, we are going to read through A Game of Thrones in ten weeks (this figures to about 10 pages a day—a leisurely pace, I think). And we will be doing some conjunctive roundup posts every other Saturday as we read.

If you want to read along with us, please do! If you just want to keep up with our possibly wild, possibly meandering, possibly entertaining thoughts on Martin's masterpiece, stay tuned for the Saturday posts (and Twitter conversations using the hashtag #asoiafbookclub)!

Jamie is actually planning to read the first four novels—A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast of Crows—in the upcoming months before season 4 of the TV show airs next March (read his post here).

I have only promised to read the first one, and will only continue on the adventure with him if I really like it (I know, I'm a fickle fellow adventurer, aren't I, Jamie?).

A Game of Thrones, here we come. I'm ready to be wowed.

(Haven't heard of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series? Check it out on Goodreads.)

(Like the cool House sigil above? I made it on Jamie's got one too. We're geeks like that.)


  1. I saw that on Jamie's site this morning. I like your banner!

  2. There you go! I haven't started for the same reasons, but at the same time I'm not writing adult fiction ... too busy with MG and YA lately. Just like the Wheel of Time series, one of these days. :)

    1. This could be the day...? :P Maybe our comments as we read will inspire you to pick it up!

  3. Hmmm, as one who has already read all 5 of the behemoths I am quite interested to hear if you will be able to stop at just the first book. It's not that they're amazing books... it's that ... how can you stop reading without knowing what happens to the characters? And then... sigh... well, I won't spoil it for you. ;)

    1. haha. We will see. I have a feeling I'll be hooked after book 1.

  4. Super cool! I already read the first book and needed inspiration to get started on the second!

    1. Nice! You can follow along for the second book re-read then.

  5. Awesome stuff. I've read the first three, and I am about to start the fourth. Your pacing is good, because these are BIG books.

    1. That is what I'm told. But I've read Wheel of Time, so I think I'm prepared.

  6. Cool! It's an amazing series. I read it years ago, and re-read the books before the TV show started. George R.R. Martin is one of my idols. His characters and plot twists are genius.

    1. That is one of the reasons I want to read it :)

  7. Such a cool idea! I've not read Game of Thrones. I wish I had the time to read it, but I'm super busy. Good luck reading! :)

  8. I love your house sigil! This is going to be an awesome read :)

  9. Awesome banner! I tried reading the first book and just couldn't get through it. I might give it another try once I get more time on my hands.

    Sounds like a fun project, though :)

  10. Not really a fan...but I wish you all luck! :)

  11. As I just said to Jamie, I'm game since I'm only halfway through my first reading of book one. Might need a kick in the pants to keep up, though.

    1. Awesome! We will kick you if you need it. What are friends for.

  12. You are so lucky to get to read this for the first time. I had thought about re-reading the series. Hope you like it.

  13. Found out about this through Jamie, and I'm really looking forward to joining in. Those books have been sitting on my bookcase, unread for far too long, and it's high time I changed that.

    And now I have a good excuse and some motivation. :)

  14. I love the show, but I was leery about starting the books because they were so long and I'd heard they are slow and dry. I was so wrong! I loved the first book and just started the second book (I'm listening to them on audiobook). I'm going to read them straight through, too. Hope you enjoy it, too. :)
