
Monday, September 9, 2013

Blog blues

You may have noticed I haven't been around much lately, and I apologize to all my wonderful blogging buddies.

Unfortunately, other life events are getting in the way and I am just not making the time that I should for my blog. This isn't fair to those of you who read it and to the bloggers I normally visit, so I am taking a much needed break from the blogging life.

All the best to you, my friends. Keep geeking it up while I'm away.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Game of Thrones Roundup - Chapters 59-end

Here we are at the end!! It's been a lot of fun reading A Game of Thrones with blogger buddies Jamie from Mithril Wisdom, Ria from Bibliotropic, and Heather from Reading, Writing, and Everything In Between.

Heather: All the chapters have been told from the point of view of particular characters, and the story has gone back and forth along their journeys. Why do you think only these characters have been chosen? What does it say about them over the others? - See more at:
Heather: All the chapters have been told from the point of view of particular characters, and the story has gone back and forth along their journeys. Why do you think only these characters have been chosen? What does it say about them over the others?

Well for one thing, I think if he widened the spread of characters more it would just be too many. Martin tells mostly from the main players' perspectives for obvious reasons, but I loved how he told some of the story from the eyes of the children. He did such a good job of showing their naivete and at the same time bringing a new perspective to the plot through their eyes.

Ria: Mirri's about-face: expected and in -character, or did it feel to you like it came out of left field?

I was actually expecting it. Dany is far too trusting, and she was bound to fall at some point because of that. Despite her heart, not everyone is going to fall at her feet in adoration.

Jamie: Do you think there's any room for growth with Sansa? Will she ever find a backbone or do you think she'll remain a frightened, weak willed pup?

I agree with Jamie; she deserves a slap. She's just pathetic most of the time. I think she's got courage in her somewhere though, and she's young. Her Stark blood has time to show itself yet!

Allison: Do you think Jaime and Cersei have developed as characters at all throughout the story?

I am wondering if the Lannisters' roles will change in the next books. Will they remain the "villains," or will they join forces with the other houses? I feel like their characters didn't move much in this book but maybe they will later in the series.

Final Thoughts
I enjoyed this epic fantasy a lot. Watching my favourite characters progress was the best part, and I look forward to reading the rest.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Game of Thrones Roundup - Chapters 44-58

Extremely late, but here I am for post number 4 in the ASOIAF Book Club with Jamie from Mithril Wisdom, Ria from Bibliotropic, and Heather from Reading, Writing, and Everything In Between! We are reading Game of Thrones together in 10 weeks.

Ria: What do you think of the chapters from Bran's perspective? Do they more like filler material, a means to see what's going on where other main characters can't be, or do you think there's going to be something more important that he'll take a central role in? - See more at:
Ria: What do you think of the chapters from Bran's perspective? Do they more like filler material, a means to see what's going on where other main characters can't be, or do you think there's going to be something more important that he'll take a central role in?

I have a suspicion that Bran is going to become very important, perhaps gain the gift of prophecy or something, and I think these chapters are leading up to whatever it is.

Allison: Why do you think so much emphasis is put on Dany's dragon eggs in the story so far?

I think they are to remind us that she is the last dragon, but I also think they will have a significant role in the future. Yes, I am waiting for them to hatch.

Jamie: Why do you think Jon Snow goes to such great lengths to protect and help out Sam Tarly?

I think Jon wishes he had a friend like that to protect him when he was younger. His friendship with Sam is sweet!

Heather: Do you think Ser Jorah Mormont is helping Daenerys as part of a new life for himself, or rather he sees her as his ticket back to his homeland?

I wonder about Mormont's agenda; I am unsure what it is. I feel like he wants to get back at Ned at some point, and maybe sees Daenerys as his ticket to do that. I wonder if he is also falling in love with her. We'll see...

Final Thoughts:
Almost to the end of the book, and still so many unresolved things. It was satisfying seeing Viserys get his comeuppance, that's for sure.
Ria: What do you think of the chapters from Bran's perspective? Do they more like filler material, a means to see what's going on where other main characters can't be, or do you think there's going to be something more important that he'll take a central role in? - See more at:
Ria: What do you think of the chapters from Bran's perspective? Do they more like filler material, a means to see what's going on where other main characters can't be, or do you think there's going to be something more important that he'll take a central role in? - See more at:
Ria: What do you think of the chapters from Bran's perspective? Do they more like filler material, a means to see what's going on where other main characters can't be, or do you think there's going to be something more important that he'll take a central role in? - See more at: