
Monday, September 9, 2013

Blog blues

You may have noticed I haven't been around much lately, and I apologize to all my wonderful blogging buddies.

Unfortunately, other life events are getting in the way and I am just not making the time that I should for my blog. This isn't fair to those of you who read it and to the bloggers I normally visit, so I am taking a much needed break from the blogging life.

All the best to you, my friends. Keep geeking it up while I'm away.


  1. As Alex says: I will miss you -- as will all your friends. You must do what is truly important, of course. :-) Be well. Be prosperous. Be in the moment. Roland

  2. We'll hold the fort for you and be waiting with a mug of tea when you get back :) I hope the break does you well :)

  3. Take care, and see you when you get back :-) I'll be waiting.

  4. Best wishes in all you do! I understand - my life has been a bit hectic lately too.

  5. We all need a break from things now and again. I hope you enjoy yours and feel refreshed when you come back. We'll still be here waiting for you :-)

  6. Best wishes to you. I completely understand where you're coming from. I've been on a blogging and internet hiatus for a couple of months. Sometimes life gets in the way and if you have work, family and other obligations, blogging can become overwhelming. I hate that I just took off and I feel horrible that I didn't even let people know that I would be away for awhile. I just had too much going on and any free time I come across has been devoted strictly to novel writing. I'm glad I stumbled across your post because it has reminded me that I need to at least offer an explanation for my absence in a short post. I still read some of my favorite blogs, I just seldom take the time to comment (right now) because once I do, I can't stop and the next thing I know I've spent hours reading and commenting and then feeling guilty for neglecting my other responsibilities.

    I won't be gone forever. I look forward to catching up with everyone. I hope everything is working out for you and that you will return to the blogosphere feeling refreshed and renewed. That's the hope I have for myself.

    Take care.

  7. I've been away a bit lately as well. Hope to see you back up again soon

  8. I got crazy busy too, but I miss you. I hope you come back soon.
    Best of wishes for life, writing, and all that you do!

  9. Everyone is busy, we understand. Good Luck!

  10. Helllllooooooooooooo

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