
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Goodbye, Chuck!

One of my favourite TV series, Chuck, ended a few weeks ago. I know I'm a little late on this, but those of you who watched it, what did you think of the ending?

I think the show was running out of places to go and it was definitely time for it to end. I've said before that seasons 1 and 2 are my favourites, and though the later seasons are still entertaining, they don't quite have the spark the first ones do.

I found season 5 a little rushed, with lots of different plots thrown in that I thought would last for a while, but then only took up one or two episodes. It seems to me that the writers were trying to get in every one of their ideas before the show ended!

That being said, I enjoyed the way they ended the show--it definitely wasn't what I expected. Some of you know that if I hate the ending of a show, it usually ruins the entire series for me and I will probably not watch it again, but for Chuck I will be collecting all the seasons on DVD to rewatch. The characters in this show, the humour, the spy adventures--it's all just so much fun.

So, what did you think? Haven't seen Chuck? Well, what are you waiting for? You can check out my description of it here.


  1. I watched a few shows but never followed it every week. Jeremy at Retro-Zombie was really bummed the show ended as well.

    1. I came to it late and ended up watching most of the first seasons on DVD. I actually prefer to watch shows that way, as I don't like waiting!

  2. Hi! Fellow geek here. Just found your blog through a friend's. LOVE your Vivi avatar. He was my favorite in FF9.

    1. Hi Shelley, thanks for stopping by! Vivi is great. A lot of the other characters in that game are pretty awesome too.

  3. I watched the first few episodes but I had a television schedule conflict and chose the other show over Chuck. Though I have recently contemplated renting the series to watch it because I have heard nothing but good things about it.

    1. Which show won over Chuck? I (obviously) recommend renting it.

    2. I beleive it might have been The Big Bang Theory. Not because it was better, but because I was wanting more of a sitcom.

    3. i have seen chuck... actually, waiting for terra nova to come out with the second season... wasnt a fan at first but got won over near the end!

    4. Well, can't fault you for watching BBT, it's one of my favourites too. That Sheldon Cooper makes my day.

      Funny you should mention Terra Nova... I just posted about it! I did not keep watching after the first few episodes.

  4. I watched the entire series and I agree that it was best in the beginning. I personally thought it should have ended with the episode where Chuck proposes to Sarah in the hospital corridor.

    1. I agree! That would have been a great place to end. Or they could have ended it at the wedding, too.
