
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Why I Stopped Watching Terra Nova

The cool footage like the picture above and the interesting premise--traveling back in time to prehistoric earth--got me hooked enough to watch the first couple episodes, but the show failed to hold my attention. I just wasn't interested enough to keep watching, mainly because I felt it couldn't decide whether it was for kids about kids, for families about a family, or for adults about adults. It seemed to be trying to be all of these, and failing at all of them.

The plot line of the first episodes I watched was also not very exciting, and I felt like the writers could have been more original than having the rebellious teen run off outside the compound with a bunch of friends and be chased by dinosaurs. 

Did anyone keep watching the first season and like it? Think I should give it another chance?


  1. I did like it because I'm a sci-fi nerd, but I can understand your opinion. I watched the whole first season and enjoyed it because I wasn't thinking about what it was supposed to be about -- I was just enjoying it as futuristic entertainment with some cool action and great music scoring. Take that for what it's worth.

  2. I didn't find the characters or storyline compelling, and the special effects weren't that special. I gave up after the second episode. Too many other good shows out there...

  3. I did not watch the show. I think there was 2 shows recording when TeraNova was on.Sure did look interesting from the preview, but I know what they say. I think I am going to see if the library will have the season available, just to see.

  4. I enjoyed the idea of going back in time to start anew and not pollute the world, but I stopped watching after the third episode because it failed to keep my interest.

  5. It was definitely uneven, and had its share of problems, but the final 4 episodes were fantastic. Assuming it does return for a second season, and all the preliminaries are out of the way, it could be great.

  6. That's another big reason I stopped watching--there are so many other really good shows out there--I was already watching Fringe, Big Bang, Castle, Chuck, and Once Upon a Time--and it's hard to keep track of many at once, so it just wasn't worth it trying to keep up. Perhaps if there are more seasons and it gets better reviews I well try it after it has wrapped up.

  7. I caught part of the pilot because it looked so promising, but failed to deliver. The human interaction was lacking that engaging quality between the characters that so many of my other favorite shows have (Lost, Walking Dead, Fringe, etc).

  8. I wanted to start watching the show but I couldn't find the time. Maybe I'll give it a try one of these days.

  9. My reasons:
