
Saturday, May 12, 2012

#2 Progressive Hit on PureVolume

I'm not a huge fan of progressive metal. I have a couple songs on my ipod by Seventh Wonder and Kamelot, used to listen to Dream Theater a little bit, but that's about all. I find most of it is too heavy and not very relaxing for me. However, this song I really like. Okay, I am biased because my incredibly talented cousin is the lead guitarist, but still, I've gotta say I love the lyrics, the melodies, and progression of this song. The piano parts are beautiful and the guitar solos are amazing. "Castaway" has climbed quickly to #2 in the Progressive category on PureVolume's charts and #6 in Metal. Check it out here or listen below! Audassy is also coming out with a complete album this summer.


  1. Listened to the whole thing - very cool! Obviously a band inspired by Dream Theater, which isn't a bad thing. (They are one of my favorite bands.) Will have to pick up their album this summer.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! I thought both you and Jamie would probably like it.

  2. I like it! I can hear the Dream Theater influences, and it reminds me a little of Conception. Good to see another Kamelot fan around too :D If you like Seventh Wonder, have a peek at 'Lost in Thought' too :)

    1. Yes, they were definitely inspired by Dream Theater, among others. I will check out Lost in Thought!
