
Monday, May 14, 2012

First Loves Blogfest

Today is the First Loves Blogfest, hosted by the awesome ninja captain Alex J. Cavanaugh! I am jumping in at the last minute because it looks like a lot of fun. The idea is to post your first love in movies, music, books, and people, so here goes:

Movie -- The original Star Wars trilogy

I am the youngest of four, with two older brothers who influenced me in tomboy-ish activities like climbing trees, playing cops and robbers, fishing, catching frogs, and yes, movies. They loved the Star Wars trilogy and watched it over and over as we were growing up. I watched it because they did, and grew to love it too (in fact, I probably like it more than they do now). Star Wars introduced me to the joys of science fiction movies and led me to seek out science fiction books as well. Interesting fact--I used to be scared of Yoda and ran away whenever his scene in Dagobah came up in Episode V! I'm not sure why he scared me... I guess I just thought the grey-green monster was creepy. Now that scene where he is poking around Luke's stuff and having a tug-of-war with R2-D2 is one of my favourites!

Music -- Coldplay

I have a very wide taste in music. I like soundtracks, instrumental, rock, jazz, oldies, progressive, Christian, alternative, you name it... Pretty much anything but country. However, I often only like one or two songs from one band. Coldplay is one of the first bands that I enjoyed a lot of the songs. Their music is relaxing with catchy melodies.
Book -- Magic Kingdom for Sale - Sold!

When I was 11 or 12, my dad brought home some used books from a garage sale by Terry Brooks. He declared that they were wonderful and that I should read them. Attracted by the interesting cover (it was the older cover not shown here with a dog wearing glasses sitting in front of a book, a man holding an amulet and a wizard standing in front of him), I read Magic Kingdom for Sale - Sold! and loved it. It introduced me to the wonders of humorous fantasy and the genius of Terry Brooks. He writes a brilliant adventure story. (If you're interested in Brooks you can read a previous post about him here.)


I'm not sure if this counts as "love," but in Kindergarten I was best friends with a boy who wrote me a note on my birthday telling me he loved me. My mom thought this was so cute, she posted it on our kitchen wall, and I think it stayed up there for a few years. How embarrassing!


  1. I'm with you on the music. I can listen to just about anything except I can listen to country and not to rap.

    My father owns almost all of Terry Brooks' books. He says they are very good, but I have yet to read them.

    1. Oh yeah... rap is not my favourite either. I highly recommend trying out Terry Brooks!

  2. I can't do the country either. And another Terry Brooks fan - very awesome! Almost went with Star Wars until I remembered Jaws.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  3. I have a wide taste in music, but I don't do country or rap either. I've recently fallen in love with Coldplay,so I listen to them a lot right now. And Star Wars is simply awesome!

  4. I would be that mom too. I might not post the love note for 3 years, but it'd go back in the box of things to save.

    1. I think she did save it... and I AM glad she did.

  5. Good to know I'm not the only self-proclaimed geek out there. I picked Star Wars too! Still a bit obsessed with it. :)

    1. Nice to meet another geek :) Yeah, I still love Star Wars too.

  6. Star Wars is 3 movies, surely that's cheating ;)
    Excellent choice though, I commend you :)

    1. hahaha sorry Jamie. I was just going to mention episode 4, but then I couldn't have made my Yoda reference cause he doesn't show up till episode 5! I guess it's okay since Alex didn't complain ;)

  7. I think everything up until the late teens is a crush and shouldn't be counted. Love is very different although some crushes do endure.

    1. haha yeah, I agree. I just decided not to post a more personal story.

  8. I love your little kindergarten story. :)

  9. Your kintergarten story made me remember I did the same to my son. Mothers are cruel sometimes!! lol

    1. haha well, I think she did it out of love, so it's all good.

  10. I love that your mom posted the note! So sweet. :)

  11. Yeah! Star Wars too!

    I think it's time to read something from Terry Brooks.

  12. Anything but Country for me too. Love Terry Brooks, have read a lot of Terry's books and Magic Kingdom ranks at the top with me as well.

    Glad you decided to jump in at the last minute!

    Alex from A Heep of Everything

  13. who doesn't love star wars?

    We all love something...right!
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

  14. Lovely Posting on the First Loves. Loved reading your post

  15. The more I go through the posts, the more I want to add to my own list....

    Sharing the Love!
    English Speaking Zone

  16. Awesome choices! Star WArs, Terry Brooks, Cold Play - love them all :)

  17. Hi Allison,

    I didn't like Star Wars until I saw Revenge of the Sith. I was one of those people who thought this franchise was too...silly. But I'm reformed now! :D

    I love that you're a writer and gamer 'cause I am too. So nice to meet you and love the avatar of Black mage from FF. I love FF! You play FF online?

    1. Glad to hear you are reformed! The original trilogy is still my favourite. It is nice to meet you as well! I do not play FF online, but I love the games I have played for it on playstation.

  18. Oh, oh, Star Wars. Fantastic choice! I could have chosen that one too, although I do think Benji came first. lol

    How cute is that story about that boy!!

  19. There's one song by Coldplay I really like, and instrumental I think, but I can never remember the title.

    1. I'm not sure I know any instrumental songs by them. The Scientist is a lot of people's favourite of theirs.

  20. anything but country - that's me!

  21. Star Wars was mine, too. I still watch it.

    1. Cheers, Melanie! As do I. The original trilogy is still my favourite.

  22. The original trilogy was the best. That is a bit embarrassing what your mom did, but I can almost see myself doing that with my son! Poor guy.

    1. Well I don't think I minded too much at the time, so it's all good.

  23. Very cute first love story:) Of course it counts!

  24. Star Wars is one of the best series ever made. It wasn't my first love when I was a kid, it sure is one of them now. Excellent taste!

  25. Yes, Star Wars is the BEST SERIES EVER. Coldplay ROCKS, too. They are totally awesome. And I really like Terri Brooks! She wrote the book version to The Phantom Menace and after reading that I've loved EVERYTHING she's written.

    You have wonderful taste!! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Following along!

    1. Thanks, Jess! I am glad you like Terry Brooks (he is actually a man). He is one of my favourite authors, as you can probably tell.

  26. I can see Yoda as being creepy to a kid :)

    1. Yeah... it's a good thing I got over it and realized how awesome he was :)

  27. I love Coldplay. Great firsts. I've never heard of the book before. I'll have to check it out.

    1. Thank you. I even recommend that book to people who don't normally read fantasy because it is easy and fun.

  28. That is cute! I would've posted it on the fridge too :)

    And your first loves rock! You can't get much better than Star Wars. :)

  29. Excellent choices! I grew up on the Star Wars trilogy and wanted all the toys as a kid.

    1. That's great! I never really got into the whole Star Wars merchandise thing... I did devour a lot of the books as a kid though.

  30. Ahh, Star Wars is an all time fave. I think that after the 2nd Alien movie, Aliens, you could pretty much stick a fork in me in the sci-fi movie dept. I was baptised on Connie Mason and Catherine Coulture books and I'm going a littlw ways back but "Boogie Oogie Oogie" might've been one of my 1st intros to music.

    1. I have never seen Aliens! Probably too creepy for me.

  31. Three strong choices. Shame that the lead singer of Coldplay is such a miserable guy.
    Star Wars is such an iconic film now that I think you could, more or less, go anywhere within the civilised world and find people who love Star Wars.

    Thank you for stopping by the hearth :)

    Kind regards

    Mark K

    1. Very true about Star Wars. I didn't know Coldplay's lead singer was a miserable guy--that is too bad.

  32. Great Choices! I didn't get to watch Star Wars until I was a bit older, but I have watched all of the movies now and really like them! Coldplay - excellent!

    1. Thanks! As long as you like Star Wars now, it's all good ;)

  33. Hi Allison - I'm intrigued enough to go hunt down that book by Terry Brooks now :) Wonderful First Loves! Amelia

    1. Yay! I'm glad. You probably won't regret it :)

  34. I dig Cold Play too. They remind me of a revived Echo and the Bunnymen. :)

    1. They are easy to listen to. I've never heard of that band!

  35. That's so cute that your mom put up the note!
    Great first love picks. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty sure she saved it after too...

  36. Scared of Yoda? Hmm. I guess he could be kind of creepy. I know my kids think he looks pretty icky. I used to be scared of Darth Vader. Love your book and movie picks! And your story of that boy in kindergarten is sweet.

    1. Thanks! Yeah... now I actually miss the puppet Yoda in the new remastered versions.

  37. I love anything by Coldplay. I heard Terry Brooks is a good author. Have you read any of the star wars extended universe books? :)


    1. I sure have! Though they are getting to be so many now, I don't think I will ever catch up. I really enjoyed the New Jedi Order series, and I read some of the younger level books as a kid.

  38. Haha, too cute about the note, and funny that you were scared of Yoda! Hey, he's a freaky little guy. I always liked him, but I also liked Gizmo. I have a thing for freaky little guys. ;-p I haven't read that book, but it sounds good.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, road tripping through the #atozchallenge participants!

  39. Sorry I'm late.
    How could I not choose Star Wars? Wow. I love how you call it the SW trilogy. We always did. I'm glad Mr. Lucas was able to make his other movies but to me there will only be those three.
    Great picks.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Well, I couldn't just pick one of the three. They are a set!

  40. Excellent picks! The Star Wars trilogy is an awesome choice. Is there anyone living who has not seen these movies? Maybe a baby or two. Ha! Sorry I'm late getting by. My sis-in-law is very sick in the hospital. Thanks for stopping by my house. *waving*

    1. Well when I have kids, I will introduce Star Wars to them as soon as possible! haha. Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law.

  41. Great picks. Don't think I've read anything by Terry Brooks, will have to get on that right away :)
