
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Movie Review: THE AVENGERS

Saw it. Loved it. 'Nuff said.

But if you want more, here are some of my highlights:

I was worried that six heroes in the same movie would all demand center stage and create too many story lines. But I needn't have worried. Joss Whedon masterfully wove their individual stories into the main plot and allowed the characters' different personalities to play off each other wonderfully.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Robin (Cobie Smulders) from How I Met Your Mother playing uptight and awesome agent Maria Hill.

I'd never heard of Hawkeye before, but now I think he should get his own movie. A hero who appears to have an interesting back story, shoots explosive arrows and hits his mark without even looking? Yes, please.

Seeing all the heroes with their fantastic weaponry and then Black Widow standing beside them with her tiny pistol at the ready made me laugh. (Her cool, manipulative assassin character made up for her lack of interesting weaponry though.)

Joss Whedon, you have done it again.


  1. I was also surprised to see Cobie Smulders in it too.

    This was such a great movie! Joss Whedon is a genius.

  2. Whedon did an excellent job with this movie! Perfect balance of story, character, and special effects. I am definitely seeing it again!

    1. It is definitely one of those you can watch and rewatch over again!

  3. I was worried that it would become the 'Iron Man and friends' movie, but Whedon did a brilliant job of giving them all screen time. His work with Hulk was amazing.

    1. Yes--I'm not a big fan of the Hulk, but I actually enjoyed his character here.

  4. LOVED this movie. I desperately want Hawkeye and Black Widow to get their own films now. Written and directed by Joss Whedon.

    1. Yes! That would be awesome. I wonder how many others are clamoring for their movie too?

  5. Yes. Yes. Yes and YES!
    It was made of awesome.

  6. It is sad to say that I am not going to be able to see this AWESOME movie until it comes out in DVD/Blu-ray. I have read the reviews and I am wanting to go see it it right now.

    I am happy that you loved the movie.:))

    1. That is sad indeed. But enjoy the anticipation before you get to see it!

  7. I've heard so many great things about this movie, I wish I could actually get to the theater to see it. Unfortunately, I'll also have to wait until it comes out on video. I need a bigger TV, so then I can feel like I'm at the movies.

    1. It was enjoyable in the theater but I'm sure it will be great watching it at home too. I plan to, anyway!

  8. Joss Whedon FTW. This movie was fantastic!!


    1. I've enjoyed pretty much everything he's done.

  9. I so agree with you about this movie. And Hawkeye, who I'm DYING to see in his own feature film. Whedon is brilliant.

    P.S. Meant to follow you before after the First Loves blog fest. Rectifying the situation now :)

  10. About Maria Hill: almost always when I see Colbie Smulders, all I can think of is Robin Sparkles. I kept expecting Agent Hill to break out into "Let's Go to the Mall." (Not really, but still...)

    1. Actually, the friends I watched with said the same thing. And I agree, it is too hard not to see Robin when looking at her. It makes me sad, though, because she did such an awesome job!
