
Friday, May 25, 2012

Geek Pride Day and News

Jamie over at Mithril Wisdom has enlightened me about the importance of today: it is Geek Pride Day!! How did I not know about this? So go out, have a Star Wars marathon, watch Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, read a Terry Pratchett book, play a video game, have a round of Magic, or treat yourself to something geeky. I will not have time for anything major, but hopefully I will squeeze in a video game or something later tonight.

I also made it as one of the six finalists in Cherie Reich's flash fiction blogfest! Woohoo! Thanks to Cherie for holding a wonderful blogfest and inspiring some terrific stories. I had tons of fun reading the other entries, and am honoured to have made it to the final round. Go and vote for your favourite!

In other news, Rachel Morgan, a fabulous blogger and writer, has a new novelette out today, Traitor, third in the Creepy Hollow series. You can also get the first novelette of the series on Amazon for free on your Kindle this weekend, so check it out if you enjoy YA fantasy.


  1. Congrats on making it as on of the six finalists!

    I plan on going to see Men in Black 3 today, and probably play a video games and start Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card.

    1. Thanks! Ah, that is a good way to celebrate. I have only read Ender's Game and the one after, but I hear Ender's Shadow is really good.

  2. Thanks for the shout out!
    And congratulations on being a flash fiction finalist!

  3. Geek Day slipped by me as well! Saw you were a finalist in Cherie's contest - congratulations.

    1. Thank you. Yeah... I donno how we let that happen.

  4. Congrats on being a finalist.

    Now, how am I going to celebrate Geek Day, hmmmm....

  5. How about a Lord of the Rings marathon... or a Firefly marathon. Oh yes, I like that idea so so much.

    Congrats on being a finalist in Cherie's contest. I really enjoyed your entry. Good luck!

  6. Congrats on getting into the finals :) You got my vote :)

    I did a Star Wars marathon - 14 hours of consecutive sci fi goodness. Thanks for the mention too :)

    1. Thanks, Jamie! That is an excellent use of 14 hours.

  7. Congratulations for getting through! I loved your story :)

    1. Thank you! I am surprised by how many people seemed to love it

  8. I downloaded Rachel's first novelette.

    I have Geek pride.

    Congrats on being a finalist!

  9. Congrats on being named a finalist. I did not find about about until it was to late. You will have my vote.

    On Geeky day I watched some SW...geek power.

  10. I didn't know about Geek Pride either.

    I can't wait to read Rachel's TRAITOR. I enjoyed GUARDIAN and LABYRINTH.

    1. I am looking forward to reading it as well!

  11. Congrats Allison. Geek pride forever!
