
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Top 10 VG Countdown - #6: DUNGEON DEFENDERS

If you are looking for an incredibly fun multiplayer game, look no further. Dungeon Defenders is a tower defense and action RPG released on October 19, 2011, by Trendy Entertainment. It was quite successful when it released, selling over 250,000 copies during the first two weeks. And I can see why. Some of my friends and I got a little bit obsessed with this game and played many, many hours of it because it is so addictive.

The game involves setting up towers and traps to defend against hordes of monsters that try to destroy a crystal you have to protect. Along with the towers, you also control a character that does melee or ranged damage, and can get armor, weapons, and familiars. There are originally four character classes (more were added later): the squire, who uses a sword and can set up barriers (don't ask me why he's not wearing pants. I really don't know); the apprentice, who uses a magic staff and sets up towers; the huntress, who lays down traps and uses a crossbow; and the monk, who puts down auras and uses a melee staff.

You can run through the campaign levels with a maximum of four players, and new maps and challenges have been added (like Capture the Flag!! Who can resist Capture the Flag?) that allow you to play with eight players. A neat feature of this game is that it is updated regularly, with new challenges, heroes, and downloadable content made available, which keeps it interesting. I used to play with the monk all the time, which I really enjoyed (he's really fast, and I like speed), but my new favourite hero is the Series EV, a robot that can lay down damaging beams and make a double of herself to attract and fool enemies.

Though my addicted craze over this game has faded now, it brought me hours of fun with friends and I still maintain it is a great game. Try it out with some buddies and you'll see what I mean.


  1. Great post Allison. I stumbled upon your blog through Michael Pierce's. Looks great. I am not really into tower defense style gaming but I dig the art style shown in your screenshot and thoroughly enjoy capture the flag. So what is the new addiction now that this one is faded?

    1. Thanks! Nice to meet you. I also love the art style in this game... it's like it doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's awesome. My new addiction is League of Legends, but unfortunately my slow internet is having trouble with it.

  2. I'm afraid to try out this game. It looks too cool and I'm scared that once I try it out, I'll never stop playing the game.

    1. Oh go on, give it a try. You can always stop if you REALLY wanted to ;)

  3. I played the XBLA demo of this and it was so much fun! I'm kind of glad I'd already spent most of my free Xbox points on steampunk avatar gear or I would have use everything to get this :)

    1. haha yeah, it should come with an addiction warning.

  4. It looks and sounds like a fun game! There's a surprise for you on my blog! :)

  5. Now that looks like fun! I haven't played a really fun multi-player game in a long while. Not since Gauntlet Legends.
