
Friday, July 20, 2012

Goodbye Eureka!

With its last episode airing this past Monday, Eureka has ended its 5 season run, and what a run it had. Some shows lose their magic halfway through (Lost, anyone?), but Eureka was a load of fun and good storytelling all the way. You can read my review of the show here. Endings are a tricky business, but I thought they nailed the finale; it was perfect. Plot lines were resolved, old characters made reappearances (I was happy to see Taggart chasing that dog again), science went wrong. What more could I ask for?

Eureka is a funny show with great characters and wacky events. If you haven't seen it, you are in luck, because now you can buy the five seasons and watch them all the way through without having to wait impatiently for the next episode. I will miss the show, but I'm glad it went out strong and that it got a decent ending.

What did you think of the Eureka finale?


  1. My wife was so relieved there were happy endings for everyone. They really should've let them film those last few episodes, but they did well with the final episode. Was really bummed Monday night when it ended. (Although really liked that it ended the same way it began.)

    1. I just love happy endings too. Hurray for them! It is sad that it is over. I also liked how it ended, I always wondered about that in the first episode.

  2. My wife and son really liked this show and I kinda just followed along, but the ending was satisfying. The two of them are really going to miss it! :)

    1. Well we've still got Warehouse 13. Hopefully it'll last a while yet. Fingers crossed.

  3. It's pretty rare The Husband and I agree on a show, so I was sad to see this go. We both thought the finale was good. But then, we found Falling Skies, and now we are hooked on that! So glad we found another show we can both agree on watching!

    1. Well I am intrigued by this Falling Skies. I hadn't heard of it before! I might have to check it out.

  4. So sad Allison. This is one of my favorite sci-fi shows. The first season was the best.
