
Monday, July 16, 2012

New Prog Metal Album

The news you've all been waiting for! The new progressive metal band, Audassy, has recently released their first album, Reflections, and it is free to download and listen to. There are only three songs, but they are fairly lengthy as progressive metal music tends to be. I generally don't listen to songs that are over five minutes because I get bored, but I was not bored with these at all (there is something to be said about progressive metal not being repetitive). The songs are really tight with great melodies and lyrics. Give 'em a listen. You can hear Dream Theater and Seventh Wonder influences, I think.


  1. I like 'em :) Castaway puts me in mind of Conception a little. I can hear the Seventh Wonder too. Thanks for this, great find :) Gonna tackle the epic Wings of Icarus now :)

    1. You are welcome! I haven't heard of Conception.

  2. Awesome! Hey, if it's under six minutes, it's not progressive, right?

  3. This sounds pretty good. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Awesome music!!! I admit I keep the radio tuned to Air1 (Christian rock and worship) and I miss out on some great music like this sometimes. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's hard for me to find Christian bands I like, because I find they start to sound the same. I like this because it is very different and not repetitive.

  5. Hmm. Okay, I'll admit it's not my favourite kinda music! But I did give it a listen ;-)

    1. haha well thanks for giving it a listen! Progressive metal was definitely an acquired taste for me.

  6. "Progressive metal was a acquired taste for me."... total understatement for me!

    I wish I could remember how many YEARS I made fun of my friend Damien when he would talk about Dream Theater with their shrieking singer and 5 minute guitar solos inside 20 minute songs. Then all of a sudden they just clicked. I now own almost all their records and have seen them live twice.

    Audassy sounds good, thanks for sharing! I'm glad I stumbled across your log, you have interesting interests.

    1. haha yeah, I am slowly becoming fond of the longer songs. Thank you for coming by, and please continue to do so :)
