
Saturday, July 14, 2012


It was really soon for a reboot, but I am glad they made this movie because I enjoyed it much more than the previous ones. Apparently, this one follows the comic plot line much more closely, though I wouldn't know because I have never read the comics.

I loved the actors they chose for this one. Andrew Garfield is the perfect combination of snark and awkwardness. I enjoyed his embarrassing moments with Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey at the beginning. I also found it refreshing that he wasn't the "geek" in the high school being force-fed a disgusting lunch by the school hotshot. That story was used up in the first series, and I'm glad they wrote his character a little differently this time. Peter Parker wasn't the geek or the cool kid, he was somewhere in between--someone with the guts to stand up for what is right.

This movie was a perfect combination of character development, action, and back story. I liked the bits they included about Peter's past and his parents. I liked how the villain wasn't black-and-white evil. And even though you sometimes knew what was coming (certain character deaths, for example), the scenes were played out so well that they were still emotionally jarring. This is one of the best movies I've seen this year (after The Avengers, of course). Definitely worth seeing in theaters.


  1. My sentiments exactly! Garfield brought snark to the role, which was a more accurate portrayal of Peter. I was really surprised how much I enjoyed this one.

    1. I thought I would enjoy it from the previews and I'm glad I did!

  2. Even though I enjoyed the movie, weeks afterward I'm still asking why. Why make this movie? The first one was very successful, so its not like they had to redeem themselves. What's next, will they remake THE AVENGERS next year?

    1. I believe they rebooted it so soon because it was less expensive than making a Spiderman 4 with all those well known actors and Sam Raimi as director, and if they don't put out a Spidey movie often enough then the rights revert back to Marvel.

    2. There is also the fact that Disney wasn't around for the first launch of Spiderman, and now they too can cash in. I am happy that it is well made though. It is on my list to see.

  3. Thanks for the great review by the way.

  4. I never got past the CGI webslinging through the city in the first three movies. I don't think it ever looked that good. So I liked the story this time around, but still didn't like all the flying through the buildings. I know I'm in the minority here, that the webslinging seems to be what most people like about these movies, but it just looks so computerized to me. Not that I'm saying it was a bad movie.

  5. I was already excited for this reboot because I never liked Toby McGuire as Spiderman. I've heard this new guy is really good, but there's been a lot of debate about Peter Parker not being a geek in the film. Thanks for the review!

  6. I'm with you. Avengers and Spider-Man have been my favorite movies of the summer.

  7. I enjoyed the last round of Spider-Man movies, and was initially upset that this movie was made so quickly on their heels. But I was blown away! This one was better. I haven't been able to get out to see many movies this year (finding a babysitter is tough) and I'm glad this was one that my wife and I got to see in theaters.

  8. Allison, this was a great film. Was it better than the Raimi versions? I still can't say.

  9. I've been wanting to see this movie since it came out. i still have yet to make time for it unfortunately>:(
