
Monday, August 13, 2012


Author: Terry Brooks
Publisher: Del Rey
Pub Date: August 21, 2012

During a time where science and magic are vying for primacy over the Four Lands, young Druid Aphenglow Elessedil discovers a diary that may lead to the missing Elfstones. Their powerful magic might turn the tide in a coming war, but the journey to recover them is full of dangers and secrets. The Elfstones have been missing from the world for centuries, and many have tried and failed to find them. What perils await the Druids on their search, no one knows. But they are willing to take the risk, and let others take the risk with them.

I haven't picked up a book and been unable to put it down for a long while. I was unable to put Wards of Faerie down, however, and I was reminded why Terry Brooks is my favourite author. He has a way of spinning magic into his words that I love. His characters are very "human" (not necessarily literally, but you know what I mean), and I care about what happens to them. The story follows several main characters, and every time the perspective shifts, I think "Noooo! I want to know what happens to that character!" but then I get engrossed in the next one's story. Brooks is a master at keeping you turning the pages.

I enjoyed being immersed in the world of Shannara once more. All the familiar names were there--the Ohmsfords, the Elessedils, the Leahs--and some new ones as well. I was excited when I heard Brooks was writing this book, because I have always wanted to learn more about the other Elfstones. The blue Elfstones are seeking stones used for guidance and protection; they have been useful in many a quest. What do the other Elfstones do, I wonder? What other colours are there? How were they lost when the blue Elfstones can find anything in the world? This series is going to answer those questions.

Wards of Faerie is only the beginning of the quest, and most of the story is spent introducing the characters and gathering the special group of druids, dwarves, humans, and elves who will take part in it. Yet there is never a dull moment, with assassins attacking Aphenglow, the prime minister plotting against the druids, the Ohmsfords escaping with their lives on an airship, and the druid-led team exploring an unknown land.

Brooks knows how to write fantasy at its best, and I recommend this book whether you have previously entered and loved the world of Shannara or not. It is a journey you won't forget.


  1. I haven't started this one yet, but good to know it's awesome! He's still one of my favorite authors and my inspiration for writing.

    1. He is an inspiration for me too. I'm looking forward to the next in this series!

  2. I remember owning a Shannara book once, but I don't know what happened to it.

    I haven't had a chance to read Brooks yet. His writing sounds fantastic.

    1. It is wonderful. He is one of my favourite authors.

  3. I've still not read any Broks, despite having one of his novels on my shelf (I think). Sounds like a dang good read though :)

  4. Oh, I'd like to add this to my TBR list now. Thanks! Great review.

  5. Fantastic review! Brooks' books are on my to-read list, but I haven't had a chance to read any yet.

    1. There are a lot of them to choose from if you are just diving in. I usually suggest starting with the Elfstones of Shannara or Magic Kingdom for Sale.

  6. Great review. He is one of the first fantasy authors I read. I am still happy that I started with him. It looks like this one will be going to going on my TBR list.

  7. I haven't tried any of his books, but I think my fiance has some of them. I should try them some time :-)
