
Friday, August 17, 2012


Great action scenes combined with stellar acting from Renner and Weisz make The Bourne Legacy a highly entertaining movie. I'd seen the first three Bourne movies and liked them a lot, though my memory was foggy on the plot details so I was a little concerned I wouldn't understand what was going on in this film. However, I needn't have worried, for though the plot draws on details from the past movies, it is easy to understand on its own.

I actually enjoyed this movie even better than the first ones (though many other reviewers say the opposite). I think it is partly because I like Jeremy Renner better than Matt Damon, and Rachel Weisz is also one of my favourite actors. The storyline intrigued me too; who can resist a plot about a government trying to create super agents?

Edward Norton did a good job of playing Byer, the guy trying to track down and kill all the agents in the program, but he has such a distinctive voice that all I could think of when I heard him was "Hey, that's Steve from The Italian Job," as that's the only other movie I've seen him in. But he does do a good "bad guy," you've gotta admit.

There are not many surprises in the story, and it relies on the great action sequences and the fantastic acting to keep you captivated, which worked for me. I was on the edge of my seat for most of this movie. I was also impressed that they developed a relationship between Renner and Weisz's characters without including a sex scene. Bravo, Universal! I would watch this movie again, for sure.


  1. I enjoyed this one even more than I thought I would,

  2. I love Ed Norton - a great actor. I've not seen any of the Bourne films though - I'm a source of great embarrassment to Hubby :-)

    1. He is a good actor! Well you can always remedy that :)

  3. Now you've made me want to see it even more! I'm not a huge Matt Damon fan, so I'm glad this new guy does better.

  4. I agree, no sex scene was enjoyable! I don't like how movies have to show romance by making them "do the deed". Jeremy Renner is very pretty - I went to see it for him. I got a little confused with some of the details, but it was good. :) Good review!

    1. Sometimes it even feels like they have a deeper relationship when there is no sex scene, I think! Thanks.

  5. This is a great review!!! I loved Bourne Legacy too, and the no sex scene part was definitely refreshing. Renner did a better job with emotional character development than Damon did in the previous films.
    Have you read Flowers for Algernon? The character journey in Bourne Legacy reminded me of that story a bit.

    1. I agree--you can almost tell what is going on in Renner's mind with his acting, but Damon was just a wall. I have not read that book, but it sounds interesting!
