
Monday, September 17, 2012

Genre Favourites Blogfest

It is Alex J. Cavanaugh's Genre Favourites Blofest today, and I am pleased to join in the fun of listing our favourite genres in movies, music, and books. Thanks for hosting this, Alex! Be sure and visit the link for other participants in the blogfest.

 Favourite movie genre: Science Fiction

I love stories that take place in space, or that take place in our world with sci-fi elements (time travel, anyone?). I was introduced to Star Wars as a little girl and my love of sci-fi has only grown from there. I love the interesting technology and endless opportunities sci-fi offers. Some of my favourite movies are Star Wars, X-Men, Back to the Future, and Serenity. I also am a huge fan of the TV shows Doctor Who, Firefly, Fringe, and Stargate.

Favourite music genre: Progressive Metal

My favourite bands and genres change as I get tired of what I've been listening to, but right now I've been enjoying Progressive Metal. I find it was an acquired taste, as it is very different from other genres. It is not something that you will hear on most radio stations. I have been enjoying Seventh Wonder, Dream Theater, Kamelot, and Symphony X. I also love instrumental music, especially from video games. There are so many awesome soundtracks from video games like Halo, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Zelda, and more.

Favourite book genre: Science Fiction and Fantasy

I love reading about other worlds. For those of us with big imaginations who love to escape into another realm or planet, sci-fi and fantasy is the genre. Some of my favourite authors are J.R.R. Tolkien, Terry Brooks, J.K. Rowling, Sara Creasy, Lloyd Alexander, Orson Scott Card, and Diana Wynne Jones.

Guilty pleasure book genre: YA and Middle Grade

Kid books are just so much fun. Even as an adult I still go back and read my favourite children's books, and look for new YA novels to read. Sometimes I get funny looks when I am exploring the kids' section in the library, but I don't care. Kid books rock.


  1. Now I know why you are the coolest chick on the planet! (Besides my wife.) No one else has said progressive rock today. You are just awesome.
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  2. I love Middle Grade and YA books. I read them all the time!

  3. I've noted those prog rock bands, and I'm definitely going to check them out!

    1. I find some of the songs are too heavy for me, but some of them are so good. I love that there are long instrumental parts in most prog metal.

  4. You definitely have a stellar line up here! Such a fun fest. I'm really loving these posts ;)

  5. These are fantastic choices. I'm definitely going to have to explore more progressive rock. Dream Theater is pretty cool.

    1. I do like their sound. There are lots of other prog metal bands out there too. Nightwish is another one I really like--though not exactly progressive.

  6. LOVED Divergent....along with many of the authors you listed. There is something about escaping into another well-created world that I enjoy.

  7. GREAT post. I love me some Star Wars!!!! :)

    1. I love meeting other people who love Star Wars :)

  8. I loved all of your choices! Divergent was amazing. And who can go wrong with Tolkien?

    1. I really liked Divergent. I am currently reading the second one.

  9. please share some of your progressive rock/metal with me... i had a phase of it for about a year... crazy cool.

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Howlin' Wolf Records: On-Line Magazine

    1. I think I'm going to be starting a Music Monday at the end of each month, where I will share some of my favourite songs.

  10. Great list! I use to feel guilty about liking MG and YA books, but I read so much in those genres now, and they're some amazing books out there.

    1. No need to feel guilty about reading great books!

  11. Star Wars, X-Men, Stargate ... Doctor Who ... you're singing my song.
    Wonderful choices in books too. ^_^

  12. Wonderful choices! I love science fiction, too! And of course any mention of 'Firefly' must be acknowledged. ;^)

  13. completely agree with your choices and even tho progrock wasn't my fave I do like it and find it easy to write to, probably because it doesn't always have words. Oh, and I don't feel the least bit guilty about reading YA :)

    1. Yeah, I do like that prog rock has long instrumental parts.

  14. Yay, another sci-fi lover! I think we've taken over this blogfest haha. Just goes to show what excellent taste we all have.

    And I'm SO with you on the MG and YA front. That was almost my pick for the book category. It tough deciding between that and classical lit (my other pick). It's a wonderful genre - and a booming one these days!

    1. I notice sci-fi is a favourite among the bloggers participating in the fest!

  15. I want to read Divergent so bad. I agree that Kid books rock too.

  16. I love that you still appreciate YA/MG. It was so much fun to read about your favorite things. Great blog hop! :-)

  17. All wonderful choices! I love sci-Fi, too.

    1. Thanks! Always great to meet other sci-fi fans.

  18. Love Lord of the RIngs and Star Wars.

  19. I agree with you on the Sci-Fi, especially with films like "Prometheus." It's a great genre that explores stories and ever seems to have a new threat to the world. Too, I love all forms of rock. I am not too much into the YA genre as of yet, however, though with the abundance of it, I am sure something is going to hook me sooner rather than later.

    1. I never saw Prometheus... but I heard the effects were great.

  20. Kids lit is great! I think read somewhere no long ago that more and more adults are buying it for themselves!

  21. That's so cute you read the kids books. I've been wanting to get back to Mrs Frisby & the Rats of NIMH. I'm a new recruit to Firefly & Dr. Who and I'm loooving it. :)

    1. Always glad to see a new recruit to both of those!!

  22. Whooay for fantasy and progressive metal! I'm hooked on listening to Mercy Falls, I'm hoping to get it for my birthday :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  23. With you on the sci-fi, and I enjoy progressive rock, too. Especially late at night when driving home from the observatory. Helps keep me awake.

    1. It is good music to keep one awake!

    2. Actually, one of my friends complained he almost got a speeding ticket because he was listening to prog metal while driving :)

  24. I've always hung out in the kids section of the library/book store, even before I had kids . . . my husband got embarrassed but I didn't care! We just went to Star Wars Celebration in Orlando last month--so much fun:-)

  25. I really enjoy reading and watching sci-fi. Thanks for sharing what your interests are!

  26. Love your choices! I love SciFi movies, and SciFi and Fantasy books, but I just couldn't quite choose . . . so I went with the whole subgenre adventure thing.

    And my guilty pleasure is probably MG and YA too . . .I end up hanging out with my kids in that section of the library and then I walk home with an armful of really good books.

    1. I'm excited to have kids so I can introduce them to all my favourite MG and YA books.

  27. Yes, I like Star Wars, especially Han Solo, and it was hard to choose just one. Tolkien's The Hobbit was my first foray into reading fantasy. I like Fae stories too.

    Visiting you via the Genre Blogfest. New follower too.

    1. Han Solo is great, isn't he :) The Hobbit is still one of my favourites.

  28. Love your sci-fi choices. I'm a Firefly freak and love all the Stargate series.

    1. Hear, hear! Lots of folks don't like all the Stargates (some just like SG-1, some just SG-U, some don't like Atlantis, etc.), but I love all of them too!

  29. Great choices! I love Star Wars and Stargate. :) My guilty pleasure would be YA too. :)

  30. back to the future! oh i forgot men in black!
    i like a good mg too!

    1. I've never actually seen men in black. It seems like something a geek like me would watch, though.

  31. Fun answers! Love the fantasy and sci-fi references.

  32. Fun answers! Love the fantasy and sci-fi references.

  33. Replies
    1. The only good thing about that show ending so soon was that they couldn't ruin it by producing too many seasons. I still wish it was longer though :)

  34. Yay, Star Wars. Oh, oh, Firefly. I love anyone who loves Firefly. Huge fan girl here.

  35. im with u on sci fi! that was mine as well
    star wars is one of the few movies i can watch over and over again and not get bored :)

  36. Kids books do rock! I especially love middle grade fantasy. :)

  37. I do like your picks. A big yes on Prog Rock.

    A Faraway View

    1. Glad you enjoyed them! I don't meet a lot of people who like prog rock.

  38. I love Star Wars! And I love YA and MG novels. I love you and your answers. I love this Vodka I'm drinking now...I love being drunk...*burp*

    1. Well if you don't love Star Wars, I'm not sure what you are doing at my blog :)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Great answers! I dabble in sci-fi (Twilight Zone especially) and Back to The Future is one of my all-time faves. YA is my guilty pleasure as well, though I'm not sure I should feel 'guilty' about it since so many adults seem to enjoy it as much as I do.

  41. Awesome titles up there. You and I have the same tastes in film! Care for some Popcorn? :D

  42. I still in enjoy reading great childrens books. Especially Roald Dahl!

  43. I'm starting to read a lot of YA recently, too. What I enjoy about them is the distinctive teenage voice of the protagonists.

    1. Yes, I'm impressed with authors who capture that voice so well.

  44. Great movie choices, they would be amongst my favourites too! I am a big Final Fantasy fan and love the music behind the games too! Tom and Dandy have released some good music behind the Resident Evil movie just released as well. Do you see it topped No 1 in box office world wide this today!

  45. I enjoy sci-fi. And prog band Arena is one of my favorites.

    1. Never heard of Arena... will have to check them out!

  46. Great choices. You can't go wrong with Star Wars. I love Fringe and really need to check out Firefly.

    1. Oh, do check out Firefly! It is fantastic, and there is only one season so it doesn't take much commitment.

  47. I want your choices! Superb. Especially your guilty pleasure.

  48. Yeah for Sci-fi and fantasy! My guilty pleasure :)
    Hey from the bloggest:)

  49. Hi, Allison,

    Dropping in from the blogfest... so nice to meet you!

    You can never go with fantasy. I have an appreciation for sci/fi, but not really into yet .... but there is still time. LOL.

    Rare choice in music. Diversity is such an awesome thing. isn't it?

    1. Nice to meet you too! There is always time to get into scifi.

  50. Stargate and Firefly are some of my favorites too. I still watch their reruns.

  51. Replies
    1. haha, always a pleasure to meet other firefly fans.

  52. Fringe is *so* good and how did I know that Star Wars would be one of your fav. movies :)

    1. I'm not sure how you could possibly have guessed that ;) I hope the last season of Fringe is good.

  53. Such great picks! And I love YA and MG. :)

  54. I've been gobbling up YA books, having sort of skipped the genre when I was a young adult (it also wasn't very prevalent). And I love reading with my kids. I've been known to be disappointed if we get a book from the library and I don't get a chance to read it with them.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    My Genre Favorites & Guilty Pleasures

    1. Yeah, I don't think YA even existed when I was young.

  55. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." You had me at Firefly. I still haven't forgiven them for cancelling it. Why? It's a perfect set up: cast of interesting, unique characters who are learning they need each other more than they want to admit or in some cases, even like. It's like they literally were thrown in a life boat together, and now have to survive. Start Trek, the William Shatner years, was just the same. Find planet, beam down, trouble ensues, everyone but the red uniform returns safe, though perhaps scathed, you know, as oppposed to un. There's romantic tension, you've got a freaky girl, a genius doctor, a frickin' priest, a prostitute, a weapons obsessed bad boy with a heart of gold, a brilliant engineer who is a GIRL (in today's world, they should have gotten enough points for that to be renewed) and a captain, skirting the edges of legal (and totally hot, which doesn't hurt). Yes, this is an ad for go find them on netflix and then tell me how mad you are that there aren't anymore. I'll be waiting.
    My comment is already too long, but our interests also include Jesus, so there you go. I'm you're new follower. Don't worry, I'm not a stalker. Alex will vouch for me...Thanks for coming by, and THANKS for the link here.
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. Well I read this and kept saying "yes, yes, YES!" I agree completely. So sad it got canceled. Hurray for Firefly and Jesus :) Thanks for stopping by!!

  56. Several people have listed YA, MG and children's books as guilty pleasures, but there are so many great writers in those areas out there, so no need to feel guilty! Also, I can vouch for Tina...not a stalker. ;-p

    My Genre Favorites & Guilty Pleasures

    1. haha, thanks. Yeah, I don't really feel guilty about it :)
