
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Video Game Review: LEAGUE OF LEGENDS

League of Legends is my most recent addiction. It is an online multiplayer game developed by Riot Games, free to play. If you've played Warcraft III Defense of the Ancients maps, it is similar to those, but much more awesome.

The gist of the game is that you play as a champion defending your nexus from the opposite team and trying to destroy their nexus. The two team's lanes are connected by lanes, and minions periodically spawn at the bases and fight each other down the lanes. You can push your minions forward by destroying the other team's minions.

There are about 100 champions to choose from, and each have their own special abilities and strengths. The classes are assassin, fighter, tank, mage, and support, or a combination of the above. The fun of the game is learning your particular hero and figuring out how to itemize and strategize against other heroes, as well as learning how to play as a team.

You can play either 3v3 or 5v5. You can invite friends to play with you, or the client will match you with random teammates. I find it much funner playing with friends. The downside of playing LoL on your own is that you can get stuck with teammates who are either terrible or annoying (or both). You'd be surprised how many gamers out there are whining complainers. Riot wisely installed a mute button for just this situation, however. Myself, I just like to have fun! I do not speak for everyone, of course; I have played rounds with nice people and good losers too.

Riot was really smart in how they released this game because although LoL is free to play, the free heroes change each week, and you really want to get to know a hero well to play with at first. I ended up loving the game and then spending ten bucks on riot points to unlock a couple heroes I liked. You also build up influence points as you play, and can unlock heroes and runes with those.

If you are looking for a super fun game to play with gamer friends, test this one out. Do try to get all your friends addicted at once, though, because it is hard to play with lower level friends once you reach the higher levels.

Played League of Legends? Addicted like me? What champions do you play as?


  1. I'm not much of an online game player, which is a bummer sometimes.

    1. I don't play a ton online besides this, but I do like LANing with friends.

  2. So far I've resisted this kind of gaming. I have a feeling I could get addicted really fast. I would get seriously sucked into the land of distraction for hours.

  3. Looks like a lot of fun, and a nice update from the static 3D "lane war" games. Shall have to check it out :)

    1. Do try it out, but be warned, addiction may follow :)

  4. My husband plays this sometimes at work during lunch. He like it too. :)

    1. Games usually last about half an hour, so I guess that would be a good lunch break game.

  5. I haven't played it and I think I better not start since eating and sleeping are important to me;-)

  6. I haven't played, but it sounds like a lot of fun . . .so fun that it might be a dangerous habit . . .hmm.

    1. Well at least these things tend to fade over time... I think...

  7. I've played LOL since Beta. Right now I'm back in the fray but my time is limited. I am a master of Garen, Shaco and Leblanc. What's your ingame name maybe we can play sometime?

    1. Ooh, I hate playing against Shaco. So annoying. I am a master of Jax, Voli, Irelia, and Vayne.
