
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New Blog Look

So I took a break from NaNo to fool around a bit with my blog look, something I've been meaning to do for a while. One thing I wanted to change was having the white text on the black background, because I thought that might be harder to read. What do you think? Do you prefer the black background? Do you like serif or sans serif fonts when you are reading online? (For your reference, sans serif fonts are the ones that don't use the small lines at the ends of the characters, they just use straight lines, like Arial. Serif fonts have the small lines, like Times New Roman.) Hate the new look completely? *sniff* it's okay, you can tell me...

But really, constructive criticism is welcome! What do you think is most important in a well designed blog?

And to all you NaNo-ers out there--keep up the good work! Only a few days left to go!


  1. I think this looks really cool!!!

    And I'm more of a Sans Serif person :P

    1. Thanks! In one of my publishing classes we were told Serif was better for print and Sans Serif was better for online articles... but I'm not sure why.

  2. I second Alex's comment. I love the header. The overall look is striking and clean. Very nice!

  3. I love it. I spent ages reaching through the text for shows/movies/games I love :)

    I much prefer the black text on light background too. It's all awesome :)


    1. haha, I tried to write down all my favourite geeky things. Thank you!!

  4. this is great! i prefer the light background w/black writing. much easier to read
    header is awesome, the grid lines are cool, structured, sci fi blue!

    the font is your choice, expresses you. any are good as long as they arent cursive!

    1. Agreed. Cursive is too hard to read. Thanks :)

  5. the look is epic... on a global scale...

  6. I really like the new look and the header. And yes I find it much easier to read with the black ink on a light surface. Great job Allison.

    1. That's what I thought. The light makes it look cleaner too, I think. Thank you!

  7. I love this new look! It's sharp and easy to read. I can navigate it with ease too. It's got character and geek cred. Well done!

  8. I love the new look - I really love the picture of the Earth. Isn't it a beautiful place? I never find white writing on black hard to read, but I like the black on white too.

    1. You can't really go wrong with a picture of earth, can you? I just noticed it has the city lights on one side, which is cool, haha.

  9. LOVE IT. Especially the words that make up the word "GEEK" in the title... I see Prydain, Mario, Hobbes. The blog is looking great!

    1. Thanks! I tried to put all my favourite things in the header :)

  10. I like it. The globe rocks. Very cool. You've got mad skills. :)

    1. Awesome. I wasn't sure about the background, but it does seem to work well.

  11. I love the picture of the Earth in the background - it really makes your blog stand out! I'm not sure what makes for a good blog look . . .not sure I've found it yet - but as long as the text isn't loopy I can read it. I don't mean Times New Roman type curvy, I mean purposely curvy like a cursive type font or an extremely stylistic font. Black or white background words for me.

    1. Yes, cursive is just too hard to read, even fonts on the computer.

  12. BTW - I mentioned you on my blog post today

  13. You're new look is awesome, and very timely. I launched a contest today for those looking for a blog-redesign, and I think your new space is stellar! :)
