
Saturday, December 1, 2012

End of NaNo and U Got the Look

Well, it is the end of NaNoWriMo! Did I make it to 50,000? No. Did I make it to my goal of 30,000? Yes! And that is 30,000 more words than I would have had if I hadn't participated, so woohoo! To all you NaNo-ers, give yourself a pat on the back for getting down words this month, whether or not you "won," and take a break.

I've been tagged for the U Got the Look meme by Tyrean, where you hunt down the word "look" in your WIP and post the surrounding paragraphs, so here is a piece of my NaNo project:

He had to hold on for ten seconds. She heard pounding footsteps approaching from the corridor behind her, but ignored them
1… 2… 3… 4…
The cylinder ripped away from the wall and Taren flew towards the opening as if in slow motion, still gripping the piece of metal in his arms as though it could save him.
No. This couldn’t happen.
She locked eyes with him, realizing this would be the last time she would look at him alive, and something changed in her. It was as though a switch had turned on in her head, unlocking a power she never knew she had.

I will pass on the meme to Annalisa Crawford, Alex Brown, and Ellie Garratt because I know you ladies participated in and won NaNo, so feel free to share a snippet with us too!

Have a great weekend, you awesome people, you.


  1. Getting 30,000 words in a month is awesome! Congrats!

    1. Thanks! That does seem like a lot of words :)

  2. Yay yay yay! Congrats on reaching your goal!!! And thanks for the tag :) My post is going up now!

  3. Good for you! Sometimes it isn't the big target but a personal target that matters. Congratulations, Allison.

  4. Well done for reaching such a significant goal.

  5. 30.000 words is great in a month! Well done!

    1. 1000 words a day is pretty good, I think. I wish I could do that every month!

  6. NaNo is all about pushing ourselves... and 30K is HUGE!!! You've got to feel so accomplished. And thanks for sharing the intense blurb. Really fun! :D

  7. Congratulations of reaching your target - it feels so good when you see the word count adding up, doesn't it? Thanks for the tag - I'll definitely take part, but maybe not until the end of the week.

    1. I do like how in Scrivener the bar slowly changes from red to green as you reach your target word count :)

  8. Congratulations on reaching your target!
    Blurb is interesting, I've featured a publisher who is asking for submissions. You welcome to ask questions.

    All the best!

    1. Thanks. This is definitely not ready for submission yet, though.

  9. Congrats on reaching your goal - that itself is an achievement! :)

    I like the excerpt - it gets my attention!

  10. Awesome!!! Congrats on hitting your goal of 30,000 words.

  11. Congrats on hitting your goal! I could only dream of hitting 30K, so extra kudos :)


  12. Congratulations on reaching 30,000. An awesome figure. I LOVE your excerpt. I want more!

    Thank you for tagging me. Unfortunately, I've already done this meme. But I loved reading yours, though.

    1. Thanks! So glad you liked it. I figured you might have already done it.
