
Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Author: David Hoffman
Publisher: Ohbalto Media
Pub Date: November 22, 2012

Her whole life, Ellie MacReady has heard stories of the mysterious market that comes only once every century for three days.It's said the market is full of wonders--delicious foods, unusual trinkets, and strange travelers.When she finds out the market is coming to her town, Ellie is overcome with excitement. She can't wait to explore it with her soon-to-be fiance, Joshua.

She is unaware of the danger the market brings with it, however, in the form of an irresistible, self-centered prince who always gets what he wants. And at this market, he wants Ellie.

Imaginative, thrilling, and original, The Seven Markets is the most creative book I've read this year. Though it focuses on the main character, Ellie, every chapter was different and I didn't know what to expect next, which is what I loved about it.

The story begins in the 18th century, with a fantasy-like feel to it as there are mentions of magic and the market itself is other-worldly. However, it proceeds in leaps and bounds across time and we witness seven markets in a row, like the title suggests. As the markets only come once every century, the story ends well into the future. That's right, this book is both fantasy and sci-fi. Hoffman leaves the boundaries of what is expected of a genre writer well behind him in this fantastical mash-up.

Ellie gets caught up in something bigger than the small-town 18th century life she was expecting to live, and her journey is a harsh one. I can't say I liked her personality very much until the very end, and not feeling attached to the main character is usually a deal breaker for me, but her story was so fascinating I couldn't put this book down.

The one thing I didn't like was being jerked around in time--I wish these transitions could have been made smoother. First we were in the 18th century, then suddenly the story jumps to the 19th with no breather in between, and so on. However, I'm not sure how else spanning that many centuries could have been done without making the novel 1000 pages long.

This book fascinated me. Do pick it up and give it a read if you are looking for something unconventional in the sci-fi/fantasy realm.


  1. Oh wow, I love the concept of this story! I'm definitely adding it to my to-read list, great review!
    There's an award for you on my blog :)

    1. It is worth a read just because of how different it is. Thanks!

  2. Sounds like an interesting one to pick up :) If only my TBR tower was not so massive!


    1. Oh I know the feeling, Jamie, I know the feeling.

  3. Writing transitions like that, is so hard to do! I'm attemtping it now, with flashbacks and I keep screwing up my tenses. Also, I'm finding it a bit annoying myself.

    Nice review Allison.

    1. I imagine it was terribly difficult to write. Especially at the end when the main character jumps back and forth in time.

  4. Ooo, that does sound like a really cool concept. Thanks for reviewing the book!

  5. This sounds like such a cool book. I wish we had a market like that. Sounds like fun. :)

    1. I'm not sure if I'd want to go to this market with a prince like that hanging around, to be honest...

  6. Sounds like an interesting read, but I have a tough time with unlikeable characters . . .I may give it a try just for the fantasy and scifi mash up.

    Thanks for the review!
