
Monday, December 10, 2012

Cheers Cavanaugh Blogfest

Today is the first day of the Cheers Cavanaugh blogfest, hosted by Mark Koopman, Morgan Shamy, Stephen Tremp and David Powers King. The point of the fest is for us bloggers to raise our glasses to our ninja friend Alex, who is a nexus in the blogging community. He was one of the first to follow and comment on my blog, and continues to be the first to comment on my posts. Thank you, Alex, for finding the time to comment and for caring about so many people.

I'm combining the answers to the questions in the following piece of flash fiction:

Cosbolt pilot Alex J. Cavanaugh looked at the doctor, his brown eyes filled with concern.

"So? What's the verdict, doc?"

Doctor Phil sighed. "I'm sorry, Cavanaugh, I can't clear you to go back into space. The IWSG radiation you were exposed to from flying near that supernova could have... unexpected... effects. I want you on Earth so I can keep a close eye on you."

Cavanaugh's expression just then reminded the doc of Nathan Fillion as Mal in Firefly, when he realized the Browncoats had lost the war. Doctor Phil felt a spark of pity for the man.

"But what am I supposed to do now?" Cavanaugh asked. "All I ever knew was flying."

"I don't know... take up a hobby. Write. Pick up the guitar. Fall in love and get married. Take your pick."

It was a year later that Alex realized, ironically, he had followed the doctor's advice to the letter. So far, the radiation hadn't had any effects on him that he could tell, unless it was the cause of his new-found ability to read and type at ninja-like speeds and take in the information of hundreds of blogs almost as soon as he clicked their links. 

Life on Earth, he discovered, was good.

And a special thank you to Mrs. Cavanaugh for allowing us to spend time with the ninja captain. I assume you rock as much as your husband does!

Cheers, Cavanaugh :)


  1. That was awesome!! Is that where I picked up the blogging skill? Need more IWSG exposure if I hope to keep up.
    Thanks so much, Allison. You are truly an awesome friend.
    Oh, and first to comment!

  2. Clever flash! Very fitting, LOL!

    And love your note to Mrs. C. I agree!

  3. Very cool! ::Raises her glass:: I agree. Alex is always the first to comment anywhere!

  4. Ah, radiation exposure. That explains a lot!! Like gamma rays and the Hulk. :P

    Cheers to Alex!

  5. Liked that twist, (what, can't fly anymore?)

    Dropping by via the alexfest.

  6. Wow, you really went there-very cool, no hot, no cool! ;D

  7. I love how you combined all the categories into your story! It's wonderful!

  8. I love it! You did a great job honoring our Ninja leader! :)

    I've tagged you on a little thing on my blog -

  9. Nice job with the flash, Allison! I really like how you worked all the questions into the story. Thank goodness for that radiation exposure.

  10. A cool take on the blogfest Alison.


  11. I love it! I think it's the radiation that's given Alex his ninja like powers :)


  12. He'd have to read at Ninja speed to get through all the blogs he does!

  13. Us sci-fi writers have to stick together like glue, or some other adhesive, or something ... So, the radiation is to blame for Alex's super powers. That explains a lot! Great theory. That's for helping us roast the ninja captain! :)

  14. That would explain Alex's ability to respond to so many blogs!

  15. I like that you combined all your answers. Very creative!

  16. Loved your all-in-one entry... great idea!
    Popping in from the Alexfest!

  17. The was some fun flash fiction! Life on Earth was good...and the rest is history.

  18. That's a fee-good story and very nice tribute.


  19. Excellent display of ninja talent, Allison!

  20. Love, love it! Especially Mal as Alex. lol Funny that I'm watching the Firefly series every morning right now as I exercise.

  21. So that's what really happened! Love the story and nice touch bringing in Mal and Firefly! Go Browncoats!

  22. Nice flash fiction, Allison. Thanks for coming by my place. :o)

  23. This is great! A perfect flash fiction story for Alex. Well done!

  24. Glad we finally found out how Alex got his super powers! This was fun! Julie

  25. I agree, Mrs. Alex probably rocks as much as him :)

  26. You weren't kidding about Alex being the first to comment all the time. Great flash, and awesome how you answered the questions as you wrote it. IWSG power!

  27. No, not the IWSG radiation! Please, Dr. Phil, save us all! :)

  28. It has to be the radiation that turned him into super Ninja. At last an explanation.

  29. That was GREAT! I like how you combined it all. And Mal of Firefly? Excellent choice. That series should still be on...

    Tina @ Life is Good

    P.S Thanks for leaving me your link. I LOVE that. Saves SOOOO much time.

  30. I think Alex will excel no matter what he does. Very nice.

  31. Great posting and loved the flash fiction especially the mention of Dr Phil and typing at Ninja speed! :)
