
Friday, December 21, 2012

'Tis the Season for Guest Posts and The Hobbit

I grew up with knowledge of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It was my family's tradition to watch the old cartoon versions every year on Halloween and we switched to Peter Jackson's versions with delight when they came out. When I was old enough, I read the books and loved them. So it was with great expectations that I waited for this movie, and with great excitement I went to see it.

Maybe I was too excited and built my expectations too high, because I was a little bit disappointed. They added a lot of things that weren't in the book; I haven't read The Silmarillion or other background lore, so I'm not entirely sure what they got from Tolkien and what they made up. The whole Necromancer plot and the pale orc are not part of The Hobbit, anyway. The movie definitely didn't have to be so long. I feel like they're just doing everything they can to milk the story and lengthen it into three movies so they can make more money (well, of course they are), and that is sad.

That being said, it was still enjoyable. I absolutely loved Martin Freeman's performance as Bilbo and Richard Armitage as Thorin. Their acting made the movie for me. The scenes from Middle Earth were beautiful, as expected. The dwarves' haunting singing and Bilbo riddling with Gollum were also two of my favourite parts.

What did you think of The Hobbit?

Guest Posting News

It really does seem to be the season for me to visit other blogs and websites. Stop by sci-fi author Eric Diehl's blog today for a re-post of my review for Terry Brooks' Wards if Faerie.

Also, I am opening up Geek Banter for guest posts in the new year! If you would like to post here on a geeky topic (this could be on anything from TV shows, movies, books, video games, writing, fantasy, sci-fi, or other geek culture), shoot me an email and let me know what you would like to post about.

Happy Christmas, everyone!


  1. It's been years since I read The Hobbit, so I didn't remember as clearly. I knew they were adding things from the appendix, so it didn't bother me. It was just warm and familiar territory for me.
    Be happy to post on something geeky. Maybe late spring?

    1. I would still watch it again, I think :) I would love to have you, Alex! Late spring would be great.

  2. i haven't read the book, not sure if i'll see the movie till it come out on tv. i liked the others though...

  3. I saw it in 48 FPS, and for the close-ups/non-actiony shots I felt like I was in the middle of a History Channel documentary on the middle ages haha

    I'm still wondering how they're splitting that book into 3 movies, but I was entertained enough by this one to see what happens. Oh, and I LOVED the riddle scene! That was definitely my favorite part :)

    Also, expect an email soon :)

    1. I don't think it was necessary to split it into 3... but I will still go to see every part, I'm sure! Hurray, would love to have you guest post :)

  4. I loved The Hobbit, I didn't even notice that it was almost three hours long. Like you, I loved the Dwarves singing, and the riddle scene, which was the scene I was looking forward to the most before I saw the movie :)

  5. I haven't gotten to see it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I preferred it in book form over the LOTR books, so hopefully that will be true for the movie, also. I'll have to temper my expectations, it sounds like, but maybe that will make it super good for me!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  6. it's going to take me a while to get used to this 48 frames per second thing. My middle aged eyeballs had a tough time keeping track of everything.

    Martin Freeman and Ian McKellan were magnificent. I have no idea how they are going to stretch this into 3 movies! and you know Peter Jackson, he hasn't got it in him to make a short movie.

  7. I'm not rushing to see The Hobbit and I've never read it. I guess the hardcore fans hope for something long and epic that comes in many installments. Kind of a never can get too much of a good thing philosophy?

    Tossing It Out

  8. I've not read any of the Tolkien books but will be seeing the film in the New Year.

    Have a fabulous New Year! Wishing you a happy 2013.

  9. My daughter and I went off to see it, filled with giddy excitement. Well, I must have been the only person alive who didn't realize they were making The Hobbit into installments, because when it ended, my kid and I were like, Whaaaaat? LOL

  10. O man did I ever love The Hobbit. I went to see it three times already.
