
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Highlights

Happy new year, everyone! I hope your new year's eve was filled with fun and cake. What, cake's not a new year's thing? Well, it should be. I thought I'd share with you my highlights from 2012 in books, video games, movies, and TV series.

Book: Wards of Faerie by Terry Brooks

I am a huge Terry Brooks fan, though some of his later books I'm not enjoying as much as the older ones. But I am loving this new series. The second book in the Dark Legacy of Shannara is on my Kindle waiting to be read and reviewed, and I can't wait to get to it. You can read my review of Wards of Faerie here.

Video Game: Mass Effect 3

I am cheating a bit with this one as I haven't actually gotten to play it yet, but I will say it has been my most anticipated to play game that came out in 2012, and I can't wait to get to it.

 Movie: The Avengers

I don't think this one needs an explanation. There was action. There was humour. There was Joss Whedon directing. It was a masterpiece. (My short review is here).

TV Show: Eureka

On it's final season this year, Eureka did not suffer from the "too many seasons" syndrome, where the show gets boring (Terra Nova), old (How I Met Your Mother), or just weird (Lost). The characters were great, the plots appropriately wacky, and the funny parts made me giggle. It was a satisfying end to a satisfying show. I love it when a show ends well.

 You can also check out my list of Top 5 Sci-fi/Fantasy TV Shows of 2012 on TV Geek Army.


  1. Definitely agree on Avengers - am behind on Eureka but I love it!

    1. It is great. Sad it is done, but glad it ended well.

  2. Happy New Year. I hope you get to play Mass Effect 3 today. That Terry Brooks Faerie series looks pretty awesome!

  3. Happy New Year! How about pie, does that count? I just got into Firefly, and so sad that there are only 14 episodes. I'll have to buy Serenity now.

    1. All right, pie definitely counts! Hurray for Firefly!!! It is one of my favourite shows. Possibly my most favourite. Tied with Doctor Who. Serenity is fantastic too--don't miss it!

  4. Last year I put GRRM's A Dance With Dragons on my best of list even though I hadn't read it yet.

    And yay for The Avengers. It's my go-to movie whenever I have any amount of time to kill.

    1. haha, I am ashamed to say I don't own it yet. But I blame that on being jobless at the moment.

  5. I miss Eureka!!!! Best show ever. Next to Stargate of course.
    Happy New Year, Allison! May it bring you many blessings.

    1. Yes, Eureka and Stargate are awesome! Happy new year to you as well :)

  6. I'm with you on the Mass Effect 3, the series was one of my favourite franchises, I pre-ordered #3 and everything, but I still haven't gotten around to it.

  7. I've stayed away from mentioning my favourite things because I've read so much less than I ought to, and my big TV discovery was How I Met Your Mother, and I'm sure everyone else has already moved on from that. I think I saw 2 films at the cinema - one was the Smurfs and I had to leave because the 3D affected my vertigo.. fail :-)

    1. I enjoyed the first seasons of HIMYM, but it is getting stale now. Aww, 3D makes me dizzy too!

  8. I've got to get back to watching Eureka. I enjoyed the first season and then have never gotten back to it. Your assessment of the show as a whole makes me really want to though.

    I too have yet to play Mass Effect 3 (just got it for Christmas) but I am really looking forward to it. I've enjoyed this series of games so much.

    Hope your 2013 is filled with more great gaming, reading and watching experiences.
