
Monday, January 28, 2013

Announcing the Level Up! Blogfest!

Save the date, folks! Jamie from Mithril Wisdom, a totally awesome fellow geek, and I have put our heads together and are hosting our first blogfest on Wednesday, February 20. Woohoo! And since we love fun and games, and we know you do too, that's what it's all about.

Share your favourite game with us! It can be a video game, a board game, a party game, a card game, a childhood playground game--you name it. Let us know how it works and why you love it. I still can't even decide which category of game I want to pick, because there are so many good games to choose from under each. Video games are obviously close to my heart (I can't wait to hear about your favourites), but I often post about them, so maybe I will share a board game favourite this time.

Sign up on the list below if you want to join in on the fun! Feel free to spread the news and use the amazing blog button above that Jamie whipped up. It's gonna be legendary.


  1. As I told Jamie, I'm already doing another blogfest and a guest post that day, but can't pass this one up!

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun...I'm in :)

  3. Replies
    1. I'm excited to read about everybody's favourites!

  4. Good to see people signing up :) I can't wait for this!

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  5. I absolutely love this idea, can't wait :)

  6. I'm not sure I have a favourite. Let me think about it and come back... do I play...?

  7. fun idea! I'd love to sign up but I already have a WWW post scheduled for the 20th. :S) Can i still join even if I post 2 days late?


    1. I would still love to read your post even if it is 2 days late :)

  8. Sounds like fun, and I'll join in, but I'm not sure which game I'll choose. I just played about 15 games with a group of 21 kids over the weekend . . .hmm.

  9. One of the dudes in my writing group compares progress in writing skills to "leveling up" all the time. So true. Games are practice for real life. And there are soooo many games out there. Great idea for a blogfest :)

    1. haha. I like that--I might have to start using that phrase similarly!

  10. Replies
    1. Yay :) I thought this would be an easy one for lots of people to jump in on.

  11. Aw yeah, got to be in on this one! :)

  12. My husband has practically re-written the game of cribbage. It's now a combination of a few different card games, and it is so much more intense and fun to play. This sounds like such a fun blog hop. There's no way I could pass up participating!

  13. Oh my!! Yet another blog hop I have signed up for! lol....your keeping me so busy! I have one calendar just for blog hops! lol.....should be a lot of fun, and thanks for the invite!

  14. Only just found out about this via Hubby - number 7 on the list - but I hope I can sign up on the day of the hop. I'll be back a little later with my entry. :D

  15. I'm signing up very late on this one. It's late over here in the UK as I'm discovering this blogfest, but I promise I'll post tomorrow if that's ok.

    Rock on,

