
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A to Z is Coming!

April will be here before we know it, and with it, the A to Z blogging challenge! That's right, I'm joining in the mass hysteria of posting every day except Sundays in April. It's gonna be awesome. I even have a theme. A theme! I won't tell you what it is. I'm mean like that.

 So who's with me?? Whether you've done it before or not (I haven't), do join me and the 300+ others so far who have signed up for this crazy adventure. Visit one of the wonderful hosts to do so.

You’re A to Z Hosts are founder Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out, Damyanti Biswas at Amlokiblogs, Alex J. Cavanaugh, Tina Downey at Life is Good, DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude 2.0, Jeremy Hawkins at Retro-Zombie, Shannon Lawrence at The Warrior Muse, Matthew MacNish at The QQQE, Konstanz Silverbow at No Thought 2 Small, Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs, Livia Peterson at Leave it to Livia, L. Diane Wolfe at Spunk on a Stick, and Nicole at The Madlab Post.


  1. Thanks for plugging the A to Z Challenge!

  2. I'm still trying to decide if I want to do this one. I just don't know if I would be that faithful to blog once a day for a whole month!

  3. I definitely will be signing up! I just came up with my theme today! :)

  4. Oh yea! I can't wait for the A-Z Challenge!


  5. I seriously admire people who do this! Good luck!

  6. I'm excited for it! It's going to be huge this year.

  7. I still haven't decided what I'm doing for A-Z. Dammit!

  8. I signed up with two blogs. I guess I really should get back to writing up the posts for them. LOL!

  9. Yee-haw!!! Allison's in the house!! :)

  10. i bet we hit 2000 this year! yay for your mystery theme!

  11. I'm signed up and ready to go! Glad you'll be involved too! My theme is fencing and swordplay terms: A is for Assault (fencing type), B is for Bout, C is for Conversation, D is for Disengagement, E is for Epee, F is for Foil . . .and so on, and so on.

  12. I'm all signed up and thinking about what my posts will be about.

  13. It's now 600+!
    I've been telling everyone that I'm not participating this year, but I can feel my resolve slipping ... Aaah, I don't want to miss out!
