
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Supernatural Season 1 Review

I hear about this show all the time and I wanted something new to watch. Supernatural has gone on for eight seasons and is still running, so I wanted to see what all the hype was about.

While it's certainly no Doctor Who, no Fringe or Stargate, it is entertaining, and I'm enjoying the creepiness and the monsters and the demon lore. If you know nothing about this show, it is about Sam and Dean Winchester, who have been trained by their father to hunt evil supernatural creatures after their mother was killed by a demon. Sam has tried to cut his ties with his family in order to go to university and have a "normal" life, but Dean shows up asking for his help when their father goes missing.

My favourite thing about this show is the chemistry between Sam and Dean. Sam is angry at Dean at first for taking him away from his life, and at the same time feels obligated to help his family. Dean loves Sam, even though he may not admit it, and would do anything to protect him. Their banter and relationship as brothers is what makes this show fun to watch.

One of my favourite episodes this season was episode 12, "Faith," where Dean gets electrocuted fighting a monster and his heart is permanently damaged. He's given a month to live, and Sam finds a faith healer to help him, but it turns out Dean's miraculous recovery came with a terrible cost. I liked this episode because Dean has to face the consequences of his actions and his personal interaction, accidental or not, with an evil supernatural being.

Do you watch Supernatural? What do you think of it?


  1. Ooo - I've never actually heard the premise of this show and it sounds really good. I've been looking for something to watch other than NCIS and I have seen it on Netflix. I may have to check it out! Thanks! ;)

  2. I really enjoy Supernatural. faith is a great season one ep! I think the brotherly dynamic is its strong point.

  3. Never seen it! Is it a CW show? It seems like one for some reason. But it does look like my kind of thing. :D

  4. I do watch the show, and I'm a fan. I do enjoy the chemistry between the characters (when you get along in the seasons, there is Castiel, an angel, who adds to that chemistry). I like the banter. I like the car. I like the Dean...;-p

    It's a fun show. I liked the monsters more than the angel/demon play, but I still watch.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  5. I watched the the first 3 seasons, then I gave it up. Not sure why, but someday I hope to come back and watch the series on DVD like you're doing.

  6. I haven't seen it, but I remember seeing the commercials when I used to watch Smallville...before I had DVR and had to watch commercials. Haha. I'd been wanting to try something new, so I just started watching Breaking Bad. I'm only a few episodes in, but enjoying it so far.

  7. They have this one on the netflix cue, but we're in the middle of Downton Abby. Looking forward to checking this out, though. :)

  8. My little brother has the first series on DVD; I'm waiting for him to finish with it so I can borrow it - I've heard a lot of good things about it.

