
Monday, February 4, 2013

Ellie Garratt Guest Post - "My Geeky Bucket List"

The fantastic sci-fi and horror writer Ellie Garratt is taking over my blog today! Welcome, Ellie!

My Geeky Bucket List

One of the films that consistently sells where I work is The Bucket List, a Jack Nicholson/Morgan Freeman film that follows two old fiends as they work through their list of things they want to see, do, or achieve before they die. I'm not sure if everyone has such lists but I have a few - places I'd like to go, people I want to meet, and things I'd like to own. I achieved a couple when I turned 40 last year. I'm now the proud owner of an orange space hopper and Beaker from the Muppets.

One of my lists is what I like to refer to as My Geeky Bucket List, and I’d like to share it with you.

In no particular order:

1. Own a Lego Millennium Falcon. When I was a young child all I ever wanted was a Millennium Falcon and Storm Troopers. Unfortunately, I got Barbie. I traded it at school for marbles and conkers. Needless to say I was grounded for a long time.

2. Go to Space Camp. I recently found out that Space Camp USA do an adult space camp. Now all I need to do is find the £1000 needed for my plane ticket and entrance fee. Donations anyone?

3. Have an official Star Trek uniform tailor-made for me, preferably from the Original Series or Voyager. Oh, and pay no import duty.

4. Date Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. Come on girls, you know you want to.

5. Stay on the International Space Station. Okay. Perhaps that and number 4 are taking it a little to far.

6. Be an extra in a zombie movie or TV series.

7. Meet William Shatner. Hang on. I did. Check!

8. Read every Science Fiction Masterworks book. I'm about 25% there so far.

9. Name a ginger cat Beaker.

And finally,

10. Publish a science fiction novel. I have the first draft, so I’m well on my way.

So that was my geeky bucket list. What about you? Do you share any of my wishes, or have you been to Space Camp already? Do you own a Star Trek uniform? I’d love to know what’s on your geeky bucket list.

As always, live long and prosper.

About The Author

A life-long addiction to reading science fiction and horror, meant writing was the logical outlet for Ellie Garratt’s passions. She is a reader, writer, blogger, Trekkie, and would happily die to be an extra in The Walking Dead. Her short stories have been published in anthologies and online. Passing Time, her first eBook short story collection, will be published on March 11th this year, and contains nine previously published strange and macabre tales. Her science fiction collection Taking Time will be published later in the year.

Author Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


  1. I love your list! And you'd look great in a Star Fleet uniform. What rank and division?

    And I like the idea of dating Sheldon if only to poke holes in his logic. LOL.

    Great list.

    1. Ensign. I want to have all of the fun but none of the responsibility ;)

  2. Name a ginger cat Beaker - hilarious!
    Cool you met Shatner.
    And Amy might fight you for Sheldon.

  3. I am with you on most of that, but I don't want to date Sheldon, Penny maybe. Zombie? I was a corpse once, not a difficult part.

    1. I think we have to give you honorary membership in The Walking Dead. It's the logical answer ;)

  4. Awww lovely Ellie!! You are on your way to ticking more off your fab list!! Yes - even down to Beaker the ginger cat!! Take care

    1. When I finally get Beaker the Cat, I'll have to start a blog for just him!

  5. What a great list! I look forward to reading the sci fi book :)

  6. Great list and best of luck on number ten :)

  7. I gave my son a Lego Millennium Falcon and he can quote Sheldon Copper - have I made a geek by accident?

    1. I think his entrance to Geekdom has been certified!

  8. Thanks again for having me, Allison!

    1. Thanks so much for sharing, Ellie! Love the list. Now you've got me thinking about what would be on mine...

  9. Used to have a Millennium Falcon....but can't find it. I also had a 12 inch Boba Fett, worth about $1000 too. Sigh....lost treasures. My mom probably sold it all when I went away to college.

    1. If only we knew then what they would one day be worth!

  10. A Star Trek outfit would be cool. I'll take one from Deep Space Nine. It would go well with my Bjoran earring.

  11. That's an awesome geeky list! Attending Comic Con is on my geek list! :)

    1. An awesome item to go on a Geeky Bucket List. I did the 2011 London Film & Comic convention, and met William Shatner!

  12. Excellent bucket list. I'd love to own a LEGO R2-D2 ... one day. ...


  13. Amy Farah Fowler will have something to say about you dating Sheldon!

  14. I love your geeky bucket list! You met William Shatner? Very cool! :)

    1. It was. Can't tell how happy I was. Spent a fortune, though!
