
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Guest Post - Alex J. Cavanaugh!

The ninja captain himself is here to talk about the April A to Z Challenge in geeky style! Welcome, Alex!

Geeky Topics for the A to Z Challenge

If you haven't heard about the A to Z Challenge, it's blogging the letters of the alphabet every day except Sundays. It's twenty-six days/twenty-six letters, starting with the letter A on April 1. You can go with a theme or wing it, but each day the post and/or topic must begin with the corresponding letter. You can get full details and sign up at the A to Z site or at my blog.

A theme isn't necessary, but it sure helps. (My first year, I winged it, and it was a struggle to come up with a topic for each letter.) Themes can be a lot of fun, especially for us geek types, as the topics are limitless.

Need some ideas? Here you go:
  • Comic books - DC Superheroes, collectible issues, Spiderman facts, etc.
  • Apps for smartphones and tablets
  • Computer and console games
  • Science fiction and/or fantasy - movies, shows, books, etc.
  • Stars! Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Starcraft, etc.
  • Role Playing Games
  • Monsters and creatures - favorites from movies, RPGs, etc.
  • Collections - posters, figures, memorabilia, etc.
  • Models
  •  Computer and tech stuff - just keep it simple for all to understand
  • Cosplay, SCA, etc.
Think you could find a subject that works for you out of that list? I bet you can!

Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge? Can you think of any other geeky topics?

Alex J. Cavanaugh
Blog | Twitter

Alex J. Cavanaugh has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and works in web design and graphics. He is experienced in technical editing and worked with an adult literacy program for several years. A fan of all things science fiction, his interests range from books and movies to music and games. Online he is the Ninja Captain and founder of the Insecure Writer's Support Group. The author of the Amazon bestsellers, Cassastar and CassaFire, he lives in the Carolinas with his wife.

Woohoo! I (Allison) am super excited about the A-Z Challenge, as it is my first time. I certainly plan on a geeky theme.

And as long as we're talking about Alex... Today is also the day to reveal the cover for his upcoming book, CassaStorm!!
Tadaaaa. I think it might actually be my favourite of the three. Here's a little more info to get you even more excited about the release:

A storm gathers across the galaxy…

Byron thought he’d put the days of battle behind him. Commanding the Cassan base on Tgren, his only struggles are occasional rogue pirate raids and endless government bureaucracies. As a galaxy-wide war encroaches upon the desert planet, Byron’s ideal life is threatened and he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans.

After enemy ships attack the desert planet, Byron discovers another battle within his own family. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, shaking Bassan to the core and threatening to destroy the boy’s mind.

Meanwhile the ancient alien ship is transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life in the galaxy. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago could be on its way back. As his world begins to crumble, Byron suspects a connection. The storm is about to break, and Byron is caught in the middle…

Release date: September 17, 2013
Science Fiction - Space Opera/Adventure
Print ISBN 9781939844002
E-book ISBN 9781939844019

Congrats on the awesome cover, Alex, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great topic ideas, Alex, and congrats on the cover reveal - it's epic!

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  2. His cover art is awesome, huh?

    And as for A-Z, I saw someone else reveal their theme today, and got ever so slightly freaked because I have no clue what mine will be. But I've been known to wing it, so I might just repeat that. haha

  3. I know what I'll be doing for A-Z, but that's a great geeky list Alex came up with there ;-)

  4. Great topic starters... it's funny I have had about twenty different thoughts on topics... none of which have panned out. I am thinking it's only 26 post... I do that all ready a month...

    Alex, great design... cannot wait!
    Allison, great post and site...


  5. Great ideas for topics, Alex!

    Glad to hear you're jumping onboard the A to Z rocket, Allison! It's a blast! Yes, geeky pun intended... ;)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. *sigh* I had a typo. I could NEVER let that be seen. I already forgot a comma on my comment this morning over at Alex's place.

    Yay Alex! I'll be in LAST draft mode and want to stay in the cave until I'm finished. I'll miss it for the first time. :( I LOVE A to Z. I was thinking the other day that I had some funny ideas too. Thanks Allison. Bodacious post! *waving*

  8. own the blogosphere today! is that different from any other day? Nevermind! :)

  9. Jeremy, you just need a topic now.

    Robyn, sorry you'll miss the Challenge this year. And I delete my comments if they contain a typo as well.

    DL, thanks for the laugh.

  10. There are some awesome ideas here. I think inventors/inventions of importance would be a good geeky topic, too. That's my suggestion. Geek power!

  11. Congrats again on the cover Alex.

  12. They are some great geeky topics, it's a shame I already have mine! :)

  13. Those are great topics I will keep in mind for sure. BUT I know me, and I know if I pick a theme I will rebel against it, just like with one of my WIPS. I hate rules. Even ones I make up for myself, lol. I always do better off the cuff, and "pantsing" it.

  14. Great topic ideas for A to Z! I'm already into fencing and swordplay terms for A to Z, and it's kind of geeky too.

    Congrats to Alex on that awesome cover!

  15. Great suggestions and fantastic cover!

  16. Great ideas! Congrats on the cover-it is fab :D

  17. Shell, that's a good one!

    Jaybird, you are just a rebel.

    Thanks guys!

  18. Great geeky topics, Alex! The only other geeky thing that comes to my mind is geeky conferences (comics, Star Wars, etc.)

    Congratulations on the great cover and story!

  19. Congrats on the book cover Alex.

    I'm sure I could come up with topics for the A-Z, but visiting all those blogs everyday would defeat me. Good luck with your challenge though.


  20. Great A to Z ideas, Alex! Good ideas too, for posts for any time of year. Thanks, Allison, for hosting Alex. It's good to meet you. :)

  21. The geek in me loves everyone of these topics :D

  22. Excellent pic, Elizabeth.

    Mary, it's geeky, but in a lovable sort of way.

  23. Those are awesome topic suggestions. I'd love to read posts based on them!

  24. Great topic ideas and I love the cover!

  25. Theme possibilities are endless. It's always fun to see what strange new things people will come up with.

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  26. Hi Alex,
    I am here from your post at a to z page
    This is great suggestions, tips to get into it
    Keep up the good work
    Keep inform so that many may come into participate
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Phil @ Philipscom
    An ambassador to A to Z Challenge @ Tina's Life is Good
    And My My Bio-blog

  27. Hi Alex, I am sure your noticed my feedback on the
    wonderful cover release elsewhere! Keep it up,
