
Monday, February 25, 2013

Guest Post: Tyrean Martinson on "Faith in Fiction"

Tyrean is here visiting for the Champion in the Darkness tour. Welcome, Tyrean!

Faith in Fiction: Trust

“All of our lives are lived by faith. We do not live by what we see in front of us.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

Being a Christian and being a writer sometimes can make me feel like I’m sitting at a crossroads. Sometimes I think I need to make a decision about my writing; that I need to honor an integral part of my life by giving my faith more room on the page.

Then I remember that friend of mine who told me, “You are a Christian, you are a writer; therefore you are a Christian writer, even if your stories and your poetry never proclaim it in any noticeable way.”

I digressed from that a bit in my last two posts about Faith in Fiction, because it’s something I think about and something I pray about. How do I include my faith? Should I? How much is enough? How much is too much?

The reality is I spend too much time thinking about it. I need to trust God.

Each character has an individual story to tell. Each plot has its own pacing.

When I write, if I trust in God, the right words are going to come out.

Now that doesn’t mean I don’t think I need editing. That’s so not what I mean because my writing is a mess when I first get the words on the page. I need help getting the plot, and the characters and the words to come together, but I need to trust God and the process of writing together.

Not every story needs to be noticeably Christian to be grounded in my faith. Not every poem needs to include obvious symbolism.

There are awesome writers who show their faith openly in their writing: C.S. Lewis, Michael Abayomi, Ali Cross, and Jamie Ayres.

There are also awesome writers whose faith is in the underpinnings of their writing, but not always on the open surface: Tolkien, Alex J. Cavanaugh, Michael DiGesu, and Orson Scott Card.

Some stories call for openness in faith, and some call for a more subtle approach. Some writers switch from one style to another depending on the needs of the individual story.

We each need to trust in the creativity that God created in each of us. When we do that, our writing will shine.

-Tyrean Martinson

About Champion in the Darkness

The Blurb: Clara is younger than most trainees, but she is ready to hold a Sword Master's blade. While visions and ancient prophecies stand in her way, they also offer a destiny unlike any other. Clara is aided by a haunted mentor, Stelia, whose knowledge of their enemy Kalidess is both a bane and a blessing. As evil threatens their land, Clara and Stelia must find the strength to overcome the darkness.

Champion in the Darkness is YA Christian Fantasy, and is the first book in the Champion Trilogy.  

Author Bio: Tyrean Martinson lives and writes in the Northwest, encouraged by her loving husband and daughters, and reminded to exercise by her dogs and cat. Champion in the Darkness is the first book in the Champion Trilogy, and she has previously published short stories and poetry.

Champion in the Darkness can be found at these links:
Amazon | Nook | Kobo | Smashwords | Goodreads

Tyrean Martinson can be found at these links:
Blog | Twitter | Facebook | AuthorsDen


  1. We each have our own way of letting God shine through in our work. Sometimes it's just in the morals and values.
    Yeah for Tyrean!!

  2. This was a great post. Even though I don't often have religious themes in my stories, those subtle nuances make their way in there ... but not enough to suggest I'm trying to subliminally convert anyone to my way of thinking. :)

    1. Yeah, I don't like it when perspectives are shoved in my face.

  3. David - Thanks! I think subtle nuances work really well, and show a lot of trust in the story.

  4. Several of the characters in my YA series were Christians and I had no problem letting that shine in my books. I was subtle though so it wouldn't hit anyone over the head.

  5. Excellent post...I found myself nodding my head the whole way through. Great points to remember.

    1. Tyrean's perspective is exactly mine, too! I enjoyed her post.

  6. Diane - yes, we don't want faith to act like a spiked club . . .and you did a good job in your books with keeping it there, but keeping it simple.

    Mark - Thanks! Glad you liked it.

  7. Allison - Many Thanks for having me here at Geek Banter!!!

  8. I like it that when an author's faith and moral code shine through in their work - even when they don't make it an obvious statement. Great post, Tyrean :)

    Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

  9. Couldn't agree more. I don't need to write Christian Fiction to bring glory to God. Maybe one day I'll need to write something in that grouping because that's where an idea leads, but I'll never force the matter. :-)

  10. It's natural to deliberate about two things so close to your heart, but perhaps you're over thinking it? I think you hit the nail on the head when you said if you just trust God the right words will come out. Let the story and characters tell their stories, and if your faith shines through that's great, if it's not that obvious, that's ok too.

    Also, I've given you the Liebster Award:

    1. Good points. Thanks for the award! I've already been given that one, but I still appreciate it :)

  11. Misha - Every story has it's own path, and I agree!

    The Capillary - Thanks!!!

  12. You have to stand for what you believe in, eh? =) --The book sounds excellent.

  13. Inspiring post. It was very well said. :)

  14. Crystal - Thanks!

    Christine - Thank you! :-)

  15. Thanks for hosting another fine guest post Allison. Tyrean its sad that Card is getting so much flack for his openness.

  16. Great post Tyrean. It's always important to be true to yourself and your faith. That authenticity and passion will shine through! Thanks for hosting, Allison!

  17. lovely post! And lovely to see Tyrean on here. CS LEwis is my favorite Christian writer :)
